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9150t - Transfer old Recordings to New Disk

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    Hello All,

    Newbie here so please don't shout at me

    Basically have outgrown the 9150t 160GB original disk so bought a 500GB WD disk. Copied old programs off original disk with humaxrw to laptop. Installed new 500GB disk to 9150t and formatted ok. Connected new disk to laptop and copied old recordings onto it. All looked good. 9150t can play them. Sweet.

    However just recorded new program last night and that worked fine. Old recordings still appear in program list but cannot now play them. Free space is now reporting size without old recordings although they are still listed. Argggh!

    I've googled about this and looked on this forum. I found a couple of posts talking about this issue re: old copied recordings disappearing but nothing definite about if it can be overcome?

    Is it not possible to do this? Am I doing something wrong or missing something? It would be such a shame not to be able to copy the old stuff as there are lots of Top Gear specials which my sons love!

    Can anybody help?

    | Mon 9 Sep 2013 9:24:40 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    masefield - 1 minute ago  » 
    However just recorded new program last night and that worked fine. Old recordings still appear in program list but cannot now play them. Free space is now reporting size without old recordings although there are still listed.

    This is a known issue with humaxrw and the 9150/9300; it works fine with the 9200. The author of humaxrw, xyz321, has indicated that he would be prepared to investigate the problem if a 9150/9300 user would assist. If you want to help, try sending a Private Message to xyz321 to see if he is still prepared to fix this.

    | Mon 9 Sep 2013 9:31:29 #2 |
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    new member
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    Thanks Martin,

    Yes, I've PM'd xyz321 asking for help and saying I'd be happy to provide diagnostics etc. Let's hope he can make time.

    | Mon 9 Sep 2013 11:13:26 #3 |

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