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9200 Clock Problem - 2nd Time

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    Joined: Jun '11
    Posts: 13


    I had the PVR 9200T clock problem a couple of years ago and managed to solve it using the excellent instructions. However, it has just reappeared and this time cleaning the clock board hasn't fixed it. Is it worth trying again or is the clock module likely to be permanently broken?

    | Tue 26 Jun 2012 20:31:24 #1 |
  2. aldaweb


    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 400


    I also had this re-occur but re-cleaning the board fixed it for a while again. It's worth another try but if it still doesn't work you may need to replace the whole clock board, if they are still available.

    | Wed 27 Jun 2012 9:54:21 #2 |
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    Thanks. I'll have another go.

    | Wed 27 Jun 2012 11:32:29 #3 |
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    I tried again and it seems to have worked this time. The clock showed --:-- when I first switched the power on, so I'm still not sure if it's OK, but it has been showing the time correctly after I used it for a bit.

    | Thu 28 Jun 2012 8:21:15 #4 |
  5. aldaweb


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    Posts: 400


    AIUI the time is picked up from the broadcast signal so would initially be --:-- until it sets itself.

    Glad it seems to be sorted again.

    | Fri 29 Jun 2012 17:38:03 #5 |
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    This clock thing....mine's just started doing it. Before I take the board out and start cleaning, is this problem having a detrimental effect on the PVR, ie: it won't know when to record, or is the clock display just busted?


    | Fri 6 Jul 2012 19:35:21 #6 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Withnail73 - 1 hour ago  » 
    is this problem having a detrimental effect on the PVR, ie: it won't know when to record, or is the clock display just busted?

    It will not record from standby with the clock inoperative.

    | Fri 6 Jul 2012 20:54:03 #7 |
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    | Fri 6 Jul 2012 21:56:03 #8 |
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    My 9200T had this problem. I read about the fix of cleaning the board and thought that if the RTC chip ( 8563T ) is this sensitive then there is probably a real fault hiding there. I fixed it by changing the crystal.
    I found a replacement on Ebay, just search for "crystal 32.768KHz",
    for about 1£ +p&p. There are several sizes available, you need a silver cylindrical type about 6mm long. It is probably best to disconnect the standby battery while replacing the crystal.

    | Mon 23 Sep 2013 10:25:36 #9 |
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    junior member
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    My 9200T had this problem. I read about the fix of cleaning the board and thought that if the Real Time Clock chip ( 8563T ) is this sensitive then there is probably a real fault hiding there. I fixed it by changing the crystal.
    I found a replacement on Ebay, just search for "crystal 32.768KHz",
    for about 1£ +p&p. There are several sizes available, you need a silver cylindrical type about 6mm long. It is probably best to disconnect the standby battery while replacing the crystal.

    Admin Edit: Moved post to thread you have already contributed to, please only post same/similar info once.

    | Tue 24 Sep 2013 9:23:14 #10 |

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