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9200 disk corrupted

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    Yesterday my Humax 9200T stopped recording programmes the list of pre recorded programmes was blank – about 50 titles when it worked correctly.
    The HDD is about 50% full and while I realise that a FORMAT may resolve the problem I am trying to avoid loosing my previous recordings.
    Connected the HDD to my PC and run Humaxcheck below is a print out of its findings however I am need further guidance if possible to rectify the disk file system.

    humaxcheck version 0.10W (c) xyz321

    0.av : Buf Frag: 13, size: 5294080 Alloc fat 7896752, dir 7896000

    3571 blocks allocated in orphan chains taking up 1374920704 bytes
    Humax calculated free space count: 79239479296 bytes
    Total free space count incorrect
    Actual free space based on allocated blocks: 78956486656 bytes

    epgsave.dat : Err Frag: 22, size: 8918016 Alloc fat 17440, dir 17440
    Improper file termination in FAT: ffffffff

    15782 blocks allocated in orphan chains taking up 258572288 bytes
    Humax calculated free space count: 0 bytes
    Total free space count incorrect
    Actual free space based on allocated blocks: 16384 bytes

    Humax calculated free space count: 5366808576 bytes

    If some one out there can help... Please


    | Sat 28 Jan 2012 11:29:39 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    I wasn't aware that humaxcheck has any capability to recover from your situation. Is there guidance somewhere that suggests different? The usual route is to use humaxrw in recovery mode (-r command line option) to download the recordings to a PC. You can then use ts2hrw to recreate the necessary hre files and upload them back to the Humax after formatting the disk.

    | Sat 28 Jan 2012 11:38:39 #2 |
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    Hi Martin

    I have searched the internet and this was the only software I could get to run, so I will try humaxrw this afternoon - I will keep you posted with my progress...

    Kind Reagrds


    | Sat 28 Jan 2012 12:25:45 #3 |
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    I had exactly the same issue with my 9200TBX this morning and I've managed to recover all the recordings using HumaxRW which I found pretty simple to use. However, I had to use ts2hrw to recreate the hre files and so now when I put the disk back in the Humax I've lost all the title, date/time and EPG info. Is that to be expected having used ts2hrw or have I misunderstood how to use it?

    | Sat 28 Jan 2012 16:33:46 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    loungelizard - 37 minutes ago  » 
    I've lost all the title, date/time and EPG info. Is that to be expected having used ts2hrw or have I misunderstood how to use it?

    Yes I think that is to be expected.

    | Sat 28 Jan 2012 17:12:08 #5 |
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    Thanks Martin, I really appreciate your response. This month I've fixed both this problem and the '--:-- in Standby' problem with the help of this forum.

    I'm hoping that if I do decide to replace my box with an HDR-FOX T2 that it won't suffer from quite so many small annoying problems as well as these more serious ones.

    | Sat 28 Jan 2012 17:40:37 #6 |
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    Ran humaxrw and the message is "unknown partition table", not sure the way forward here? any ideas? Desperate not to loose my recordings!

    | Sat 28 Jan 2012 19:39:09 #7 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    stevehumax - 1 minute ago  » 
    Ran humaxrw and the message is "unknown partition table", not sure the way forward here? any ideas? Desperate not to loose my recordings!

    Have you allowed Windows to "Initialise" the disk in disk/device manager? The disk should not appear under "My Computer". If this is done accidentally use the "-p" option to HumaxCheck to fix the partition table.

    | Sat 28 Jan 2012 19:41:20 #8 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    loungelizard - 2 hours ago  » 
    I'm hoping that if I do decide to replace my box with an HDR-FOX T2 that it won't suffer from quite so many small annoying problems as well as these more serious ones.

    Well our experience with the HDR-FOX T2 has been very good so far and it is more reliable than the 9200.

    | Sat 28 Jan 2012 19:48:28 #9 |
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    Ran humaxcheck -p then humaxrw it now says "Record list is empty", any ideas guys?

    found a spare Seagate Barracuda 7200.7 160Gb Ultra HDD, will this work in my 920 until I can fix the original disk!
    anyone tyied this?

    | Sun 29 Jan 2012 11:20:43 #10 |

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