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9200 t freezes

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    I have a 9200T when I play back programs it works fine for a few minutes and then totally locks up. To free it I have to switch it off at the back. It will then work perfectly for 3 or 4 mins. What is going on??

    | Fri 5 Aug 2011 20:30:03 #1 |


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    Have you downloaded the latest OTA software updates for it?
    How long have you had the unit?

    | Fri 5 Aug 2011 20:49:02 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    jrbmaclachlan - 1 hour ago  » 
    I have a 9200T when I play back programs it works fine for a few minutes and then totally locks up.

    Hard to be sure but if you can watch live TV ok via the box I would be inclined to think the disk needs formatting (from the HDD control menu).

    | Fri 5 Aug 2011 21:46:10 #3 |
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    I have had the unit for 3 years. I had assumed that the download updates were automatic. I would be disapointed to lose everything on the disk. I will check the software version and see if it is the latest. Nothing is simple!!

    | Sat 6 Aug 2011 14:42:27 #4 |
  5. aldaweb


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    The 9200t will check for an update each night IF the box is in standby and unless you have disabled that option, default is 04:00 hrs. If available it would ask you if you wanted to install the update and recent updates would have promted you to default reset afterwards. If you have had none of these you are probably on an old firmware version, current is V23 for the 9200t which included the EPG caching to disk on standby.

    If the box is left on permanently then it will not pick up the updates and it is more prone to drive (file) corruption. It is recommended that the box be put into standby regularly (eg daily) either using the remote or by setting an auto off and auto on time.

    If you already have file corruption then a format is necessary, but there are programs available which may recover some of your recordings but require a direct connection to the drive, either using a USB-IDE adapter or removing the drive and attaching to a PC. Do NOt allow a windows PC to initialise the drive.

    | Sat 6 Aug 2011 17:57:52 #5 |
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    I now find that it freezes with everything, so I cant play back recorded material or use the Humax tuners for live broadcasting
    The system is as follows

    PVR9200 rev 1.0
    PGXTF 1.00.23
    loader version a4.09

    Does this need upgrading?

    | Mon 8 Aug 2011 11:28:42 #6 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    1.00.23 is the latest software version so there is no upgrade available. I would suggest trying a reset to default settings (which will delete the recording schedule but leave existing recordings intact) and see if that helps.

    | Mon 8 Aug 2011 11:35:46 #7 |
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    I reset to default settings and it now works!!!!
    Thank you for the advice and support


    | Tue 9 Aug 2011 11:44:39 #8 |

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