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9200T file transfer via usb

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    Posts: 15


    Hi,I have made and installed the IDE to USB cable. When I connect to a laptop I can't see the drive in Windows explorer but I can see & stop it using the "safely remove" function.
    Do I need to use the humaxrw utility to transfer files or is there a way via explorer, thanks.

    | Wed 29 Jan 2014 6:32:11 #1 |
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    You will need to use humaxrw as windos does not understand the 9200T file system but humaxrw does.

    | Wed 29 Jan 2014 8:39:03 #2 |
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    I am a newcomer desparate to transfer some recordings from my 9200t.I have a R232c to VGA cable so I can connect it to my windows 7 laptop.What software do I need to find and download.I have downloaded Humax media controller but it will not open I get a message that "LiBusb0.dLL" is missing, try download again.I have downloaded it a dozen times but it still will not open.Can any one help me please.thanks martin

    | Thu 17 Apr 2014 9:02:32 #3 |
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    You need to use the USB connection on the front of the 9200T and a USB connection into your PC/Laptop. Also, search the forum for the humaxrw.exe software as this is miles quicker than using the media controller supplied with the Humax. You need to be comfortable with running the humaxrw.exe at command line. I have finally sussed, with the help of others, that the output will play on a PC in full-screen but only 4:3 if you play it back from a PC to TV. I have got around this by converting the .TS video to .mp4 using Handbrake, loading it on my Samsung Galaxy S4 32gb microSD and playing back on the TV using a micro-USB to HDMI cable (ebay - requires external power). In truth, you need to be a bit computer savvy to jump all the hurdles. I have also installed the cable mod so I can read directly from the Humax hard drive. You cannot "see" the humax drive in Windows as an external drive so you need the humaxrw.exe utility to carry out all the listing, copying etc. Hope that helps

    | Thu 17 Apr 2014 10:16:09 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    martinsteel - 1 hour ago  » 
    I am a newcomer desparate to transfer some recordings from my 9200t.I have a R232c to VGA cable so I can connect it to my windows 7 laptop.

    Do you really mean RS232 to VGA? I can't conceive what that would do or do you mean RS232 to USB?

    What software do I need to find and download.I have downloaded Humax media controller but it will not open I get a message that "LiBusb0.dLL" is missing, try download again.I have downloaded it a dozen times but it still will not open.

    Is your Windows computer running 64 bit Windows? If so you need a version of LibUSB compiled for 64 bit Windows. I know somebody has posted how to do it quite a long time ago but I will dig out the instructions if needed.

    | Thu 17 Apr 2014 10:26:07 #5 |
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    yes my laptop is on 64bit widows

    | Thu 17 Apr 2014 19:46:07 #6 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    martinsteel - 1 hour ago  » 
    yes my laptop is on 64bit widows

    OK turns out there is a blog post about it on this site see Link to installing a 64 bit USB driver

    | Thu 17 Apr 2014 21:28:11 #7 |

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