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9200T not recording

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    My 9200T recently does not record timer recordings that have been set. If after the start time it is not recording and you then view the same channel, it starts recording. This used to be on BBC1, that appears to be ok now, but it is happening on channel 4 & 5 now. This month we retuned for digital but the problen was there before the retune.

    | Sat 23 Jul 2011 19:21:57 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
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    Welcome to the Forum

    Sounds like you are receiving from 2 transmitters from the description you have posted.

    1. Do you have channels listed in the 800's

    2. You could try deleting all channels, and retuning manually for the correct transmitter.

    Enter postcode, house no, and tick 'I am in the aerial installation trade' in the boxes to the right of this page, this will then list transmitters and channel numbers for you to use on a manual tune.

    | Sat 23 Jul 2011 20:24:30 #2 |
  3. Biggles


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    Posts: 619


    Follow my Manual Search instructions I prepared earlier:

    The reason for doing a Manual Search is to target the six (five after DSO) multiplexes coming only from your preferred transmitter. The UHF channel numbers for your six/five multiplexes (digital channels) from your preferred transmitter can be obtained from the digitaluk web-site, enter your post code and also tick the "I am in the aerial installation trade" box. Your UHF channel numbers are in the grey columns in the Coverage prediction section. The compass bearing for the available transmitters at your address are also shown on the page so you can check to see which transmitter your aerial is actually pointing at. You should only use the transmitter that your aerial is pointing at.

    First you need to delete all existing channels.
    Menu > Edit Channels > Edit Channel Lists > Password (0000) and delete all channels, note there is a Select All button. If you were on a TV channel before going into the menu then TV channels will be listed first, delete them all. Go to Group, select Radio and delete all the radio channels. Press Exit on the remote control and when invited save all the changes.

    You will now get a message saying No channels are available……, press OK. You should now be taken to the Installation menu, choose Manual Search. Select the first UHF channel number obtained from the digitaluk web-site for Channel (actually the order doesn’t matter) and press Search. When the search completes, Save. Select the next UHF channel number for Channel and press Search.....Save. Repeat this for all six/five UHF channel numbers and to finish press the Exit button. You will now find all your Freeview channels on their correct channel numbers, good luck.

    | Sat 23 Jul 2011 23:41:20 #3 |
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    new member
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    Posts: 2


    Thanks for that. I have done the above and it appears to have fixed the problem, For now !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    | Mon 25 Jul 2011 21:33:11 #4 |
  5. Biggles


    special member
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    Posts: 619


    It will continue to work while ever you receive you signal from just one transmitter. If you retune using Automatic Search and pick up signals from multiple transmitters then the chances are your recordings will fail again.

    | Tue 26 Jul 2011 9:57:46 #5 |

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