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9300 skipping on playback

(12 posts)
  1. Barry


    senior admin
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    Welcome to the Forum

    The Family Guy issue is well known. The BBC and Humax Towers are aware, I have no info as to when or if there might be a fix forthcoming.

    | Sun 10 Jun 2012 11:59:39 #11 |
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    I have exactly the same problem on my 9300, exactly as desibed by ianmcneil "regularly skips by 20 to 25 seconds when playing back Points of View (BBC1). The skips occur on captions (ie viewer letters displayed and read out) not on studio filming. The missing text can be viewed on rewind!". I have done a trial recoding of The Family Guy and have problems there too (but I don't normally watch that, so not a big problem for me!).

    I have many other problems too - probably unrelatd and because my HD has often reached its capacity. Example, sometimes a program fails to record - or at least, it will not play. Just appears in the available-to-play list and play behaviour is as though it is just 0.1 seconds long.

    And then, some times my 3900 will just lock-out... freezing on screen and ignoring any buttons. I must switch off and switch on, on the back.

    Oh well... it doesn't happen often and the beast is quite nice in many respescts.

    | Sat 14 Jul 2012 10:43:10 #12 |

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