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9300-T subtitle problem

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    special member
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    Hi everyone,

    I'm looking for help with a problem concerning subtitles. A relative has just replaced a failed 9300-T with a s/h unit. The old one was set to have subtitles on permanently; the replacement can be set to have subtitles ON but resets to OFF when put in standby. Any ideas out there in Humax alnd?

    | Thu 13 Mar 2014 12:16:32 #1 |
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    I tend to use my 9200T in prevference to my 9300T so hope the following is hopfully. I know there is one subtitle difference between the 2 but its not in the behaviour you are interested in ....

    There are 2 ways of setting how the subtitles 'sticking' (or not 'sticking') behaves.

    If you want the subtitles to always to default to 'on' when the Humax comes out of standby AND when you switch channels, then this can be set via the menu by setting the Subtitle Display option to 'Auto'.
    MENU >> Preferences >> Language Setting >> Subtitle Display >> Auto

    Curiously I have mine set to 'manual' and I thought it was remembering what I had set it to last via the remote. I also have a similar 9200T and that does occasionally throw a wobbly and deviates from normal but only on the odd occasion, not all the time - perhaps the 9300T is similar in that respect.

    | Fri 14 Mar 2014 8:24:35 #2 |
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    special member
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    Hi Luke,

    Thanks for the reply; I'll try that later on my 9300-T and then see if it can fix my auntie's machine.

    | Fri 14 Mar 2014 9:19:57 #3 |
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    special member
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    Hi Luke

    Tried your fix; it brought back memories of setting up her first machine. I'm not sure about this because the machine may have been "fiddled with", but I think it needs subtitle display to auto and the subtitles switching on with the remote button to get and hold subtitles on all channels and recordings. That's how it's been left (hopefully) and it seems OK now.

    | Tue 18 Mar 2014 12:40:10 #4 |
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    special member
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    Glad you have it working now. Once the menu option is set to 'auto' the subtitle button will just toggle the subtitles on and off for the currently watched channel. If the Humax is put in stand-by, or if another channel is selected then the default to 'on' comes into effect for all channels, including the channel where the subtitle button was used.

    | Tue 18 Mar 2014 13:59:33 #5 |

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