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9300T Constant Reboot

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    Posts: 1


    This looks like a familiar topic on the forum, but any new suggestions welcome.

    The 9300T periodically reboots itself, then be okay for a while. However, it is now in a constant cycle of rebooting: a completely black screen, followed by the message "LOADER VERSION a4.38 - LOAD APPLICATION" with a progress bar increasing towards 100%, and then the black screen reappears. This process repeats every 3/4 minute or so.

    Thanks for any further advice to resolve this problem


    | Thu 29 Jan 2015 11:36:43 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Max228 - 1 hour ago  » 
    The 9300T periodically reboots itself, then be okay for a while. However, it is now in a constant cycle of rebooting: a completely black screen, followed by the message "LOADER VERSION a4.38 - LOAD APPLICATION" with a progress bar increasing towards 100%, and then the black screen reappears. This process repeats every 3/4 minute or so.

    Two things to try: first disconnect the aerial and if that stops the cycle then do a reset to default settings. If that doesn't work then open the Humax (with the mains power off) and disconnect the connection(s) to the hard drive. Then replace the lid and power up the Humax. If it will now function as a set top box then take the hard drive out, attach it to a PC and use a disk wiping utility.

    | Thu 29 Jan 2015 13:38:11 #2 |

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