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9300T goes to default settings when switched off

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    If I switch the unit off I lose my preferences and also lose my recording schedule. The epg also disappears and takes some time to be refreshed.


    | Thu 2 Aug 2012 21:49:10 #1 |
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    special member
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    Hi David.

    How are you switching it off?

    The 9300T will only store the epg for next time if you use the remote or the button on the front to place it in stand-by first. If you are using the switch at the back or switching off at the mains without placing it in stand-by first then the epg is not stored.

    The epg will also only be stored if you are on either UPTTF 1.00.23 or UPTTF 1.00.26 of the software.

    Which version of the software are you on?
    MENU >> System >> Status >> 2nd line from the top

    | Fri 3 Aug 2012 7:39:58 #2 |
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    Luke, thank you for that.

    I'm sorry I obviously wasn't clear enough. I merely switch the unit off by putting it into standby using the remote control.
    I do realize that switching it off at the back or unplugging it would result in me losing the epg and the unit going to the default settings.
    It's the losing of the recording schedule which is the most irritating.

    I'm on the latest software release.


    | Thu 9 Aug 2012 10:17:29 #3 |
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    I have had the same problem since around March this year. My 9300t was just over two years old at that point and I had no trouble whatsoever with it until then. I have tried everything to resolve, factory reset, reformat hard drive retuned loads of times, all to no effect. I even emailed Humax but got no response and will not ring the helpline due to the exorbitant call charges. I think that something has broken, circuitwise. I managed to deduce that it isn't the switch off that re-sets, as the display shows the "recording set" symbol when you switch off. It's only when you turn back on that the system re-sets itself. I decided to not put my box in standby, but obviously I am paying more running costs this way. I have found by searching the Internet that this seems to be a common failure, and never get any positive solution. Would love to find one but guess that I will end up buying another box. Should I buy another Humax - very reluctant I think due to Humax's poor email follow up.

    | Fri 21 Sep 2012 19:23:54 #4 |

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