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9300t, lost recordings

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    Hi, new to forum, but usual problem, my 9300t has lost recordings, it's the fifth time since 2009 but I want retrieve these, do I need to download the Linux version in attachments, or do I need to download checker and win32 as well,I don't have a computer at the moment, only a tablet,what versions of Windows is compatible with humaxrw.

    | Thu 12 Nov 2020 17:54:17 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    RobM - 22 mins ago  » 
    Hi, new to forum, but usual problem, my 9300t has lost recordings, it's the fifth time since 2009 but I want retrieve these, do I need to download the Linux version in attachments, or do I need to download checker and win32 as well,I don't have a computer at the moment, only a tablet,what versions of Windows is compatible with humaxrw.

    You need humaxrw (Linux or Windows); the Linux version will only work on a 64 bit version of Linux if the 32 bit compatibility libraries are installed. As far as I know humaxrw will work on Windows XP to Windows 10 (32 bit or 64 bit) but with later version of Windows you must run it with administrative privileges (not just from an administrator account).

    | Thu 12 Nov 2020 18:22:59 #2 |
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    Thanks Martin, I am tech proficient but this is a new area to learn, to clarify are you saying use Linux for 64 bit computers and win32 for 32 bit computers regardless of what Windows version is used, I also don't understand administrative privileges or administrator account are,as I haven't come across these before but I can competently use a computer.

    | Sat 14 Nov 2020 18:51:43 #3 |
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    Just to further add to this question, when downloading from Humax harddrive to computer, what GB size will the computer need to have.

    | Sat 14 Nov 2020 19:02:41 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    RobM - 41 mins ago  » 
    To clarify are you saying use Linux for 64 bit computers and win32 for 32 bit computers regardless of what Windows version is used,

    No. I am saying that the supplied version of humaxrw for Windows will run on both 32 and 64 bit versions of Windows but the Linux version will run on 32 bit versions of Linux but will only run on 64 bit versions of Linux if 32 bit compatibility libraries are installed.

    I also don't understand administrative privileges or administrator account are,as I haven't come across these before but I can competently use a computer.

    What version of Windows are you intending to use?

    | Sat 14 Nov 2020 19:39:30 #5 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    RobM - 37 mins ago  » 
    Just to further add to this question, when downloading from Humax harddrive to computer, what GB size will the computer need to have.

    It depends how large the hard drive is in the 9300T and whether the hard drive is full. I think the 9300T were supplied with 320GB or 500GB drives. So the maximum space you will require is 500GB but it could be a lot less.

    | Sat 14 Nov 2020 19:44:21 #6 |
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    Thanks again Martin,l am looking to buy a Windows 7 or 8 computer,l am attempting to retrieve recordings from a 320gb hd.

    | Sun 15 Nov 2020 14:44:30 #7 |

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