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Help please - 9300T needs new hard drive

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    I have a 9300T which according to Humax needs a new hard drive (it stopped recording and doesnt have a record option in menu). Looking on here it appears to be relatively easy to change but what hard drive do i buy to put in and do i need to do anything other than just swap them over ?

    | Tue 5 Aug 2014 12:18:30 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    JoWest - 1 hour ago  » 
    I have a 9300T which according to Humax needs a new hard drive (it stopped recording and doesnt have a record option in menu). Looking on here it appears to be relatively easy to change but what hard drive do i buy to put in and do i need to do anything other than just swap them over ?

    You want a drive designed for PVR usage; this should be suitable Link to Ebuyer. Once you have installed the new drive you simply turn on the Humax which will ask if you want to format the drive and a few seconds later the job will be done.

    | Tue 5 Aug 2014 13:23:35 #2 |
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    Great thanks - i will be ordering one of these today

    | Wed 6 Aug 2014 8:14:50 #3 |
  4. Biggles


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    JoWest - 25 minutes ago  » 
    Great thanks - i will be ordering one of these today

    Before spending money just try reseating the cables between the hard drive and the motherboard, I have had a couple of SATA connector problems in computers.

    | Wed 6 Aug 2014 8:42:46 #4 |
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    Dave Rowe

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    I think that the above posts have answered most of my questions, but just to make sure.
    A few months ago I lost all my recordings. On that occasion I could reformat the hard drive and start recording again from scratch.
    This time I have no options available to reformat or access to the hard drive from any menu.
    All the other functions seem to operate okay, except recording/playing, so am I correct in thinking that installing a replacement HDD should make my 9300T Humm again? (I will check the cable/connectors on the way just in case).

    | Wed 27 Aug 2014 0:52:12 #5 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Dave Rowe - 9 hours ago  » 
    This time I have no options available to reformat or access to the hard drive from any menu.
    All the other functions seem to operate okay, except recording/playing, so am I correct in thinking that installing a replacement HDD should make my 9300T Humm again? (I will check the cable/connectors on the way just in case).

    I think it is very likely that changing the drive will fix the problem. I take it you have tried turning off the power at the mains and leaving the Humax without power for a few minutes?

    | Wed 27 Aug 2014 10:04:10 #6 |
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    Dave Rowe

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    Thanks Martin - I did power down using the on/off switch at the rear of the unit to no avail and have now (since your post) removed the power plug completely - a little later - zilch.
    So a new Drive and my screwdriver set beckons.
    Thanks again

    | Sun 31 Aug 2014 12:30:14 #7 |
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    Dave Rowe

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    Thanks once more Martin - New drive fitted and square eyes returning

    | Thu 25 Sep 2014 10:33:47 #8 |

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