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9300T "No channels found" after firmware update

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    I have just put an old 9300T back into service and because of a few minor niggles decided to update the firmware from 1.00.23 to 1.00.26 using the firmware here:

    I updated it using the WDN4OAK+ software and the update appeared to work successfully. After the update, I had no signal showing on every channel, so I did a reset and I still cannot tune it to any channels (either using automatic or manual tuning). On manual tuning, the box shows no signal strength for channels that are definitely working on the TV and my other 9300T.

    The "Status" page shows that it is now on the 1.00.26 firmware, but whatever I do, I don't seem to be able to get any channels detected.

    I've rerun the firmware update several times, using both WDN4OAK+ and the Flash9200 update tools, and done multiple resets. I've also tried a couple of cables but nothing seems to work.

    Before I did the firmware update I'd recently retuned the channels on it and it had no problem detecting the channels before the firmware update.

    I also have another 9300T already running 1.00.26 and that works fine. I've swapped the two boxes and the 9300T I recently updated doesn't detect channels when connected to the aerial from the working one, so it doesn't seem to be a problem with the incoming aerial. The only difference in the setup of the two boxes is that the working one is using the a4.38 loader and the non-working one is using the a4.39 loader.

    Any thoughts? Alternatively does anyone have an older version of the firmware - e.g. 1.00.23 or a 1.00.26 with the a4.38 loader so I can try reverting to that?

    I've spent hours trying various things and wish I'd just left it alone!

    | Tue 5 Jan 2016 0:26:30 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    navilite - 10 hours ago  » 
    Any thoughts?

    It is an unusual problem. I think you can rule out the different loader versions. I would speculate that the most likely explanation was damage to the aerial socket on the 9300 or its connection to the tuners. 1.00.26 has been released OTA and if there was a tuning problem there would have been lots of reports at the time.

    | Tue 5 Jan 2016 10:40:50 #2 |
  3. Biggles


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    And just to add insult to injury you were probably better to stay on v23 as there was a consecutive recording bug introduced in v26 and no real advantage.

    | Tue 5 Jan 2016 10:43:26 #3 |
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    Thanks for your thoughts. I'd be surprised if it was a hardware issue with the aerial socket or the connection to the tuners, simply because the tuners were working immediately before the firmware update. Maybe I'll take the case off and look for any obvious damage just in case though. The signal is definitely getting through the 9300 and reaching the TV.

    Any thoughts on where I might be able to get the v23 firmware to try putting that back on? It looks like Humax only have the v26 on their beta website.

    | Tue 5 Jan 2016 11:05:44 #4 |
  5. Biggles


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    navilite - 20 minutes ago  » 
    Thanks for your thoughts. I'd be surprised if it was a hardware issue with the aerial socket or the connection to the tuners, simply because the tuners were working immediately before the firmware update. Maybe I'll take the case off and look for any obvious damage just in case though. The signal is definitely getting through the 9300 and reaching the TV.
    Any thoughts on where I might be able to get the v23 firmware to try putting that back on? It looks like Humax only have the v26 on their beta website.

    I have v23 and also v26 that appears to also include the a4.39 loader. Send me a PM with your e-mail address and you can have them.

    | Tue 5 Jan 2016 11:28:29 #5 |
  6. Biggles


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    Files sent in three separate e-mails.

    | Tue 5 Jan 2016 12:08:39 #6 |
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    Thank you very much for those, hopefully I'll get a chance to try them this evening.

    | Tue 5 Jan 2016 12:22:08 #7 |
  8. Biggles


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    navilite - 13 minutes ago  » 
    Thank you very much for those, hopefully I'll get a chance to try them this evening.

    Best of luck. I've just checked and the zip file does contain the v26 + loader file that I sent separately, plus a text file.

    | Tue 5 Jan 2016 12:38:31 #8 |
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    I found this after posting another thread. I have something similar. I have accidentally overwritten a box with firmware ver 1.00.27 with 1.00.26 and afterwards can tune no channels. Unfortunately I cannot find 1.00.27 anywhere to download - not even on Humax site - does anyone have a copy they could let me have?

    Thank you.

    | Sat 3 Sep 2016 17:58:21 #9 |

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