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9300T resets when switched off.

(3 posts)
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    I now never turn it off, or even put it on stand-by. If I do, it resets everything - including the screen ratio and loses my favourites list and recording schedule.

    Unfortunately, it periodically decides to reboot itself - powers down briefly (all by itself) and reloads the software - with the same result.

    I am now quite adept at sorting my favourite channels every couple of weeks, but this is incredibly irritating - so I wonder if anyone else has experienced this - and perhaps found a solution.

    I have seen numerous posts which speak of restoring the machine to factory settings - but I can't find this option in the menu - only the 'reformat HD' option - which isn't what I want to do, as I have about 250gb of programs saved.

    It seems to me, though, that it is restoring itself to the default settings every time it powers down - so I don't think this is going to be a solution anyway.

    Apologies if this has been discussed before - I did search the forum, but I'm new here, so perhaps don't know what I'm looking for.

    | Wed 14 Sep 2016 11:37:41 #1 |
  2. Biggles


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    This is a problem that is getting more common and there are plenty of posts on the subject here and elsewhere, but no solution. It seems leaving the machine ON is the workaround but not a good solution.

    When people say 'factory settings they mean the 'Default Setting' option in the menu, why they can't say Default Setting and avoid the confusion is beyond me.

    | Wed 14 Sep 2016 12:33:35 #2 |
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    Posts: 6


    This happens to my 9300T when I switch to standby and then switch back on using the remote. It will also reset itself at random and seems to misbehave when I select the red button service on BBC1 or BBC2. Strange to say the least. I am wondering if the standby power down is functioning properly but that wouldn't explain the random reset whilst watching a programme in real time. Maybe a problem power supply (capacitors?).I would welcome any comment or suggestions.

    I also leave it on all the time now although this doesn't help the random reset.

    | Tue 15 Nov 2016 16:49:24 #3 |

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