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9300T - Think i have a major disk problem

(8 posts)
  1. nigel01922


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    9300T - Version H/D 11.9% left

    Hi all.

    Think i have got a serious disk problem here.

    I had 2 recordings running simultaneosly and was watching a third, when up popped a message on screen saying DISK ERROR - press OK, which i did.

    Now i had this about 5 months ago and knew it would have ended the scheduled recordings.

    So i went into the individual channel and pressed the manual record button. Waited for a couple of minutes then went into the recorded programs list and guess what - no new recording entry for these manual programmes.

    Checked them again and it said they were recording. Pressed the stop button and it showed me 2 programmes recording that were not on any schedules that were listed in these schedules. But i do remember that these programmes were recorded earlier in the year - 5 months earlier.

    I tried the manual recording option again and got exactly the same. So i stopped both programmes.

    I then went into the recorded programmed lists and just scrolled through the recordings. There were 3 listed as 28/05 - the wright way that said they were recording. I know this is not possible and today is 29/10.

    So. i flagged these recordings and pressed delete. At this point the PVR rebooted itself.

    I then went into the recorded programmes list and it is blank. AAARGH! Where my 190 programmes. Also the disk still says 11.9% free.

    I have retuned the box. Also tried recording a new programme and that has appeared as no. 1 on the list and plays ok.

    What has happened to all my lovely recordings and is it possible to recover them as the disk still thinks it is 11.9% free.

    Please help, as some of these recordings go over 12 months with several series not watched.

    Many thanks, upfront.

    | Wed 30 Oct 2013 1:32:15 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    The file system has become corrupt which is a well known problem. The only way to recover the recordings is to open the Humax and attach the hard drive to a PC and use humaxrw in recovery mode.

    | Wed 30 Oct 2013 8:53:40 #2 |
  3. nigel01922


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    Hi Martin,

    Can you explain how to do this and what cable i would need, as there are a lot of usb to sata connectors.

    | Wed 30 Oct 2013 19:22:23 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    nigel01922 - 2 hours ago  » 
    Can you explain how to do this and what cable i would need, as there are a lot of usb to sata connectors.

    Any USB to SATA converter should be OK or if you have a desktop PC you could connect it to a spare SATA connector temporarily. You need to download humaxrw from Link to humaxrw download. You connect the drive to the PC NB don't let Windows initialise the disk when it notices it. Copy humaxrw.exe to a directory immediately below root eg C:\humax.

    Start a command prompt (NB if this a recent version of Windows you need to run the command prompt with Administrative privileges.

    At the command prompt type:

    cd humax
    humaxrw 2: -r -l

    With luck this will provide a list of programs. If not try changing the 2: eg 3:, 4: etc until you find the correct drive number. Note that because the record list has been lost the files will be named recover_0010.ts etc. When you have the correct drive number then to copy recover_0010ts file to the PC try

    humaxrw 2: -r -g 10

    The readme.txt file that comes with humaxrw will give more information. Let us know how you get on. Good luck.

    | Wed 30 Oct 2013 21:53:30 #4 |
  5. nigel01922


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    Hi Martin,

    You say any USB to SATA Converter, but do you mean one with power like this

    | Wed 30 Oct 2013 22:30:43 #5 |
  6. nigel01922


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    Also, why do you have to run it from C: root, couldnt i use my larger drive E: as it is 1TB

    | Wed 30 Oct 2013 22:32:51 #6 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    nigel01922 - 1 hour ago  » 
    You say any USB to SATA Converter, but do you mean one with power like this

    One with a power supply is a safer option; if you use the Humax to power the drive it is very easy to touch the power supply and destroy it.

    | Thu 31 Oct 2013 0:03:39 #7 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    nigel01922 - 1 hour ago  » 
    Also, why do you have to run it from C: root, couldnt i use my larger drive E: as it is 1TB

    Use any drive you want. I didn't say you had to use C:, my example specifically says eg.

    | Thu 31 Oct 2013 0:04:51 #8 |

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