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9300T transfer programmes on to PC

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    I wonder if anyone else has had this problem and managed to fix it.

    I have removed the HDD out of the 9300 and popped it in to a caddy

    Windows (64 bit windows 10 ) doest see the new disk in explorer but it is aware of it in disk manager.

    My problem is that disk manager cant do anything until the disk is initialised ..... initialising the disk defeats the object of task

    Is there any way in windows of seeing the HDD and accessing the files ? or any other way of getting the progammes off

    | Sun 30 Jun 2019 13:44:13 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Kingsford - 21 mins ago  » 
    Is there any way in windows of seeing the HDD and accessing the files ? or any other way of getting the progammes off

    The only way I know of is to use humaxrw. See for instance this thread

    | Sun 30 Jun 2019 14:09:10 #2 |
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    Hi Martin

    Will humaxrw work even if windows doesnt see my hard disk drive ?

    also have you heard of something called Humax Media controller ?

    | Sun 30 Jun 2019 15:47:26 #3 |
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    Kingsford - 15 mins ago  » 
    Will humaxrw work even if windows doesnt see my hard disk drive ?

    Yes. Windows is restricted in drive formats that it can see. If it "sees" it then you have allowed Windows to corrupt the disk and humaxrw will no longer work until you have fixed the corruption.

    Kingsford - 15 mins ago  » 
    also have you heard of something called Humax Media controller ?

    Humax Media controller does not work for 9300T. It is for 9200T only and is very slow.

    | Sun 30 Jun 2019 16:11:59 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Kingsford - 2 hours ago  » 
    Will humaxrw work even if windows doesnt see my hard disk drive ?

    If Windows is offering to initialise the disk (do NOT accept the request) then yes humaxrw will work fine.

    also have you heard of something called Humax Media controller ?

    Yes it was for the 9200T and connected via the USB port. As the 9300T doesn't have a functioning USB port it wouldn't help you.

    | Sun 30 Jun 2019 18:24:09 #5 |

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