My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

Abort message

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    I have a FVP 500T recorder and occasionally I get the message after watching a recording for say 50 minutes
    “ there has been no operation for some time. Do you wish to abort” and then gives the options yes, no or something else( I am not sure of the exact words of this 3rd option). The onscreen display shows that you can select the option you want by either using the <, OK or > keys on the handset. However pushing none of these keys clears the screen and I have to turn off the TV and then turn it on again to clear the message. Has anyone else come across this?
    Any help would be appreciated

    | Fri 6 Jul 2018 22:18:39 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Welcome to our Forum

    I presume you mean FVP 5000T - if so there is no such message as far as I am aware...are you sure it is not the TV generating the message?
    Try using the TV remote to clear next time it appears.

    | Sat 7 Jul 2018 7:07:08 #2 |
  3. Paul_D


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    I get a similar message - it's the television - it happens after a certain amount of time without any keys being pressed on the television remote.

    My television has an option to set the delay time to a longer/shorter duration or even disable this option completely.

    | Sat 7 Jul 2018 16:12:41 #3 |
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    Thanks for the responses. As soon as I had posted the question I wondered if perhaps it was the TV. The next time it happens I will check it out.

    | Sat 7 Jul 2018 18:52:15 #4 |
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    I've not used it so don't know what OS message you get but there
    is an 'Automatic power down after 4 hours' option in power management
    if there's no user interaction.

    | Sun 8 Jul 2018 15:03:01 #5 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    jaeger - 1 hour ago  » 
    I've not used it so don't know what OS message you get but there
    is an 'Automatic power down after 4 hours' option in power management
    if there's no user interaction.

    It says something like box will power off unless a remote button is pressed.

    | Sun 8 Jul 2018 16:18:37 #6 |
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    Also, another indicator that it is not the FVP is that in the example given in post #1 is that the commend to start playing the recording was just 50 minutes ago.

    | Sun 8 Jul 2018 17:00:20 #7 |
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    There may well be an option somewhere in the menus on the TV to disable that facility.

    | Sun 8 Jul 2018 18:07:28 #8 |

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