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Adding a few minutes to start and end of recording

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    Is it possible to add a few minutes to the start and end of all recordings like in the Sky boxes? With all the Christmas shows coming up it would really annoy me and the family to miss the beginning or end of a show!

    | Sat 13 Dec 2014 10:05:01 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Yes you can add padding of 2/5/10 minutes to the start and end times

    General settings

    | Sat 13 Dec 2014 10:32:57 #2 |
  3. -gonzo-


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    Bare in mind though by adding time to the beginning or end it disables the Accurate Recording function.

    | Sat 13 Dec 2014 11:31:46 #3 |
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    Thanks Barry, I found it but had to wait until all recordings had stopped before I could access the recording settings.
    gonzo, what is Accurate Recording? The Humax manual doesn't mention this or have I missed it somehow?

    | Sat 13 Dec 2014 15:25:13 #4 |
  5. -gonzo-


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    mexicano - 20 minutes ago  » 
    gonzo, what is Accurate Recording? The Humax manual doesn't mention this or have I missed it somehow?

    Accurate Recording is set by having Start & End padding times set to Auto which then will record programs as they're actually being aired rather than the scheduled time slot.
    So if a program starts late or slightly earlier than scheduled time it will record when the program starts. Same for the end, ie program overruns it will carry on recording until it's finished rather than stopping at the scheduled time.
    Obviously this is totally reliant on the broadcasters getting things right their end which any problems tend to be quite rare.

    | Sat 13 Dec 2014 15:58:30 #5 |
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    That's what worries me about especially the BBC. Their programs never start on time and of course if they start late then they finish late.
    I'll give it a go for the next couple of days to test this "Accurate Recording" before xmas. Most of the good shows will be on BBC even though they will be repeats

    | Sat 13 Dec 2014 16:39:47 #6 |


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    mexicano - 55 minutes ago  » 
    That's what worries me about especially the BBC. Their programs never start on time and of course if they start late then they finish late.
    I'll give it a go for the next couple of days to test this "Accurate Recording" before xmas. Most of the good shows will be on BBC even though they will be repeats

    The BBC rarely get this wrong.

    | Sat 13 Dec 2014 17:36:07 #7 |
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