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Adding an external HDD to an 1100s?

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    I have a 1Tb 1100S which I'm very happy with.
    I'd like to add a 3Tb Buffalo DriveStation to supplement the available storage.
    I've read Humax isn't happy with anything >1Tb so I partitioned the DriveStation via my laptop into 3 x 1Tb Ext3 partitions.
    The Humax box recognised the external drive and gave me options to copy to it (all videos, all images, all something else). When I looked at Storage through the System menu, I could see the external drive but the only option it gave me was to format it.
    Nothing ventured, etc... now I have a 746Gb NTFS partition and 2048Gb Unallocated so, clearly, that didn't work.
    What's the best way of using an external drive?
    What format and what size should its partitions be?
    Or am I wasting my time?
    The User Guide seems vague.
    Please advise.

    | Mon 21 Dec 2015 17:37:13 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Hi welcome to our forum. The freetime boxes don't allow native recordings to be exported. The only real use for a usb drive is to playback or upload your own video, jpeg photographs and MP3 Audio.

    | Mon 21 Dec 2015 18:00:33 #2 |
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    Thank you for your speedy response, Graham, even if the answer is not what I'd hoped for.

    Would a 3Tb disk work inside the Humax box itself?

    | Mon 21 Dec 2015 18:24:31 #3 |
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    Z Cheema

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    How about an external hdd sata caddie, then yiu can keep and archive footage.

    | Tue 22 Dec 2015 20:28:54 #4 |
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    Z Cheema

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    How about an external hdd sata caddie, soyiu can swap drives

    | Tue 22 Dec 2015 20:29:29 #5 |


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    WillyRose - 1 day ago  » 
    Thank you for your speedy response, Graham, even if the answer is not what I'd hoped for.
    Would a 3Tb disk work inside the Humax box itself?

    I do not think anyone has tried larger than 2Tb. I would expect that it would work and imagine in the worst case you would need to format the partitions yourself. You should go for an AV/CE drive.

    | Wed 23 Dec 2015 7:30:15 #6 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    REPASSAC - 2 hours ago  » 

    WillyRose - 1 day ago  » 
    Would a 3Tb disk work inside the Humax box itself?

    I do not think anyone has tried larger than 2Tb. I would expect that it would work and imagine in the worst case you would need to format the partitions yourself. You should go for an AV/CE drive.

    Really? Does the Humax kernel support the necessary EFI GUID partitions for a drive larger than 2TB?

    | Wed 23 Dec 2015 10:07:57 #7 |


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    Martin Liddle - 4 minutes ago  » 

    REPASSAC - 2 hours ago  » 

    WillyRose - 1 day ago  » 
    Would a 3Tb disk work inside the Humax box itself?

    I do not think anyone has tried larger than 2Tb. I would expect that it would work and imagine in the worst case you would need to format the partitions yourself. You should go for an AV/CE drive.

    Really? Does the Humax kernel support the necessary EFI GUID partitions for a drive larger than 2TB?

    No idea, Basic support must be in the Linux core but no idea what Humax are using. We do know that some of the partitions are LUKS encrypted.

    | Wed 23 Dec 2015 10:25:09 #8 |
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    Slightly off topic I know, but I assume the internal HDD in the Humax is a 3&1/4" rather than the small 2&1/2". Given the rapidly decreasing price of SSD I wonder if a 2&1/2" SSD in a 3&1/4" tray/holder would be suitable for the box. Future thinking as I currently have no problems.

    | Wed 23 Dec 2015 10:39:02 #9 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    REPASSAC - 2 hours ago  » 
    No idea, Basic support must be in the Linux core

    The Linux kernel can certainly be configured to support EFI GUID partitions but it will be a kernel build option and certainly earlier Humax boxes don't have it enabled.

    | Wed 23 Dec 2015 12:34:20 #10 |

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