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All recordings deleted!

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    Humax Freesat HDR 1010S
    Over 90% of my recording space was full of recordings I was keeping to watch when I choose.
    Turned it on this evening to watch a recording - everything is gone!!!
    Turned it off - plugs out - turned back on and still nothing.

    This is the first issue I've had with it since buying in 2010.

    Any ideas?

    | Wed 11 Nov 2020 20:45:27 #1 |
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    Just to add - seems the pause function is no longer available - I'm getting the message This function does not work while retriving data for time shift buffer. Try again in a few seconds.
    I got that message for the first time last evening and again today.
    Also the fast forward/back functions aren't working!

    | Wed 11 Nov 2020 20:59:27 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    lindylootoo - 10 mins ago  » 
    Just to add - seems the pause function is no longer available - I'm getting the message This function does not work while retriving data for time shift buffer. Try again in a few seconds.
    I got that message for the first time last evening and again today.
    Also the fast forward/back functions aren't working!

    Did you have the auto delete option to delete oldest recordings to make space for new recordings enabled ?

    | Wed 11 Nov 2020 21:11:24 #3 |


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    In settings what info does it show on the hard disk.

    | Thu 12 Nov 2020 6:19:12 #4 |
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    It's taken a while to find settings!! In Storage, it says "connect a USB hard drive to the box to be able record programmes and pause live TV." So it seems to have stopped recognising the humax hard drive?

    Under Factory default - it says I can reset system - should I try that?

    Re Auto Delete - as far as I'm aware, auto delete was not set.

    | Thu 12 Nov 2020 7:41:01 #5 |


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    That storage description is bad news, it is a symptom of a motherboard component failure.

    There is a company offering a fixed price repair £69.99 see=:

    Previous reports for this problem were the unit was returned with recordings intact.

    I would not bother trying to replace the disk yourself, unless you have a spare.

    | Thu 12 Nov 2020 9:56:58 #6 |
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    Thanks for your help. I decided to buy a new Freesat Box - Currys click and collect.
    Then a couple of evenings after the recordings vanished, I found all the recordings had re-appeared and everything now seems back to normal!!
    The new Freesat Box is going to be returned the day after lockdown!!

    | Tue 17 Nov 2020 9:23:05 #7 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    lindylootoo - 33 mins ago  » 
    Then a couple of evenings after the recordings vanished, I found all the recordings had re-appeared and everything now seems back to normal!!
    The new Freesat Box is going to be returned the day after lockdown!!

    Careful. It is a characteristic of this problem that recordings reappear after a period of leaving the box unused but it is highly likely that they will disappear gain before long.

    | Tue 17 Nov 2020 9:58:40 #8 |
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    just to let the community know : this has also happened to me over the week end 14 nov 2020 . exact same issues, same symptoms, contacted Humax and not heard back! It looks like from a simple search that it is a common problem on these devices (hrd 1010s). No more recordings , hard drive is not recognised! Can still views but no stop and play/pause any longer and all programs whipped out!
    Can I ask what new device you bought @lindylootoo ? thanks

    | Tue 17 Nov 2020 10:10:27 #9 |
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    I also heard that the Freesat 1010s had this problem, but someone, somewhere, said to leave it for 24 hours and see if it comes back. Who knows when the problem to recur, but Curry's returns policy is three weeks which coincidentally falls the day after lockdown.

    I bought a FREESAT - UHD-4X Smart 4K Ultra HD Digital TV Recorder - 1 TB for £230.00. There was a Humax option but my local TV/satellite man said that Humax wasn't in business anymore and those are reconditioned, so given the other known issues with them I chose the one above from Curry's as Amazon aren't always the easiest when dealing with delivery or returns whereas Curry's is click & collect and return locally.

    | Tue 17 Nov 2020 12:20:00 #10 |

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