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Alphabetical Recordings

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    Mr Moley

    Joined: Dec '15
    Posts: 24


    According to recent Humax Newsletter, with the 17/3/17 update we are able to find our recordings with ease so we can now sort them alphabetically. My question is 'how'? I have live chatted with Humax but operator did not really understand what I was talking about! No surprise there! Can anyone help?

    | Sat 2 Sep 2017 7:53:03 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Highlight a recording, press the + key, highlight bottom option 'Sort A-Z'

    | Sat 2 Sep 2017 8:53:58 #2 |
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    Not forgetting that any name that starts with "NEW" as do many these days will get sorted under "N" rather than the actual program name.

    | Sun 3 Sep 2017 12:29:53 #3 |
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    Humax need to add the ability to sort file names when connecting a usb source - it seems to list them in no particular order with no sorting options.

    | Mon 4 Sep 2017 15:31:34 #4 |
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    Let's be fair, the whole display of recordings is rubbish, isn't it. I have a 500GB model, I can't imagine what it is like scrolling through stuff if you had a 1TB version.

    Stills of the first few seconds of a programme are useless - they tend to show ads, or channel stings/sponsors. So you end up with listing of similar images, giving no clue as to content.

    While you can sort, there are only two options ("a-z" and "time") one of the options is labelled incorrectly ("time", should be "date").

    There should be options to sort by "duration", "genre" and "watched/unwatched" status. You should also be able to reverse all of those searches (ie "z-a", "oldest first", "longest first"...).

    Scrolling through the listing takes f-o-r-e-v-e-r, and there's no wrap-around (ie you cannot get to "z" from "a" by pushing the "up" button, you have to scroll all the way to the end).

    Does anyone actually find the images in these listing in the slightest bit useful?

    In the whole interface there is no use of the contextual buttons (red/yellow/blue/green) - which begs the questions as to why they shipped a remote with these buttons on them in the first place!?

    And don't get me started on the stupid remote, no info button, no skip button...

    | Sat 23 Sep 2017 17:15:05 #5 |
  6. Stephenesque


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    typonaut - 6 minutes ago  » 
    Let's be fair, the whole display of recordings is rubbish, isn't it. I have a 500GB model, I can't imagine what it is like scrolling through stuff if you had a 1TB version.

    I have the 2TB version currently half-full with 410 recordings, and yes, scrolling is a pain

    Stills of the first few seconds of a programme are useless - they tend to show ads, or channel stings/sponsors. So you end up with listing of similar images, giving no clue as to content..

    I made exactly the same point to Humax almost 2 years ago and apart from adding the a-z option nothing has been done about those useless screengrabs.

    While you can sort, there are only two options ("a-z" and "time") one of the options is labelled incorrectly ("time", should be "date").
    There should be options to sort by "duration", "genre" and "watched/unwatched" status. You should also be able to reverse all of those searches (ie "z-a", "oldest first", "longest first"...).

    To be fair there are more than two options, you can also browse by 'Recent', 'Channel' and by 'Day Of Week', and by a-z or date within those options.
    Some of these are more useful than others depending on what you want, but for example if you fancied watching a film then you could go to Film4 and see all the films you had recorded by date or a-z.

    If you wanted to find a specific programme the easiest way is to use the Search box in the way I mentioned in the other post.

    Scrolling through the listing takes f-o-r-e-v-e-r, and there's no wrap-around (ie you cannot get to "z" from "a" by pushing the "up" button, you have to scroll all the way to the end).

    I agree about the wrap-around, I don't know why such a basic function is not there. You can speed up browsing a little by using the CH rocker button to move up/down a whole page at a time. (You can also use this to go more quickly up/down the list of recordings in a series and to take you instantly from 'Programme' to 'Schedule'.)

    And don't get me started on the stupid remote, no info button, no skip button...

    Yes, the remote is very poor, but you can skip using two buttons, the Play button to bring up and highlight the time bar, and then the right key on the wheel to skip the duration you have previously selected.

    I have had two remotes the original L03 that came with the box, and the later L08 that Humax sent to me. I have given up on both and use an old 'One for All' remote programmed in the way I want.

    Of course there are many frustrations with the 4000T, but once you adapt, and learn the workarounds, for which this forum is an invaluable resource, then it can be rewarding. For me, the ability to record so many channels at once and so reliably is worth the idiosyncratic behaviour the box exhibits.

    | Sat 23 Sep 2017 17:54:53 #6 |
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    It's obviously much better than the Panasonic, functionally, but the Panasonic does have a better interface.

    | Sun 24 Sep 2017 11:51:49 #7 |
  8. chippychip


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    Unfortunatey, it seems the T2000 model, doesn't have the option to rearrange the recorded programmes- I do wish it did though!

    Graham C

    | Sat 4 Nov 2017 18:14:30 #8 |
  9. grahamlthompson


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    giverny - 2 months ago  » 
    Not forgetting that any name that starts with "NEW" as do many these days will get sorted under "N" rather than the actual program name.

    This practice causes the same issue on other boxes. There's a capability on the two Humax boxes that can use custom firmware to get rid of the New:

    Why the broadcasters can't add the New: after the recording name, not a clue. Most of us wan't to find the oldest not watched option in a series anyway.

    | Sat 4 Nov 2017 18:38:28 #9 |
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    Not sure which "two Humax boxes" boxes you mean, but you can rename files on a standard HDR Fox T2 using the remote, no custom firmware required ...

    | Sat 4 Nov 2017 20:36:11 #10 |

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