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Another Aura remote pairing problem

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    I’ve just joined the forum after purchasing the Aura 1tb box to replace my Sqy Q. Overall happy with it so far except I cannot get the remote to work the way I would have expected.

    My setup is a LG OLED55CX6LA connected to the Aura with HDMI and also connected to LG soundbar with optical cable. Everything works ok except that I cannot switch on/off the TV and Aura using the large On/Off button which only works the Aura. To switch on/off the TV I have to use the small On/Off button which then doesn’t switch on/off the Aura (Aura status light remains blue). I have HDMI-CEC and One-key Power enabled in the settings but still need to use both buttons to turn system on or off.

    Is this normal or am I missing something?


    | Sat 13 Apr 2024 10:11:36 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Pganders - 13 hours ago  » 
    Is this normal or am I missing something?

    Have you paired the remote with the TV?

    | Sat 13 Apr 2024 23:21:02 #2 |
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    junior member
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    Posts: 6


    Yes, remote paired and it controls the sound and turns off the tv using the small power button but then I have to push the large power button to turn off the Aura box. The same sequence having to use the two buttons required when turning on.

    | Sat 20 Apr 2024 10:06:00 #3 |

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