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Another retune?

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    Martin Liddle

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    rikki - 9 hours ago  » 
    Is there an up to date list, so I can just do a manual tune for AJ and Dave on the specific channels (I mean the broadcats channels, not the television channels - ie 21 upwards) and not mess with anything else?

    First look at and identify the Mux that contains the service you want (the SD version of Al Jazeera Eng is on ARQB). Then go to and enter your postcode and house number. That should bring up a list of transmitters in your area; identify the one that you are using and then look at the row that starts with "Now" and the columns for the multiplex you want. The number on the darker grey background is what you want.

    | Mon 10 Jun 2019 7:23:10 #11 |
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    Joined: Jul '16
    Posts: 33


    Perfect. Thanks Martin.

    | Mon 10 Jun 2019 10:02:13 #12 |
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    rikki - 2 days ago  » 
    I've looked at and AJ is still listed as 108, and Dave is still listed at 12.

    They usually take a few days to update that list, and they have been known to take 2 or 3 weeks.

    For a non-official site that is updated a bit more promptly try

    The engineers normally aim to complete the scheduled updates by 14:00 at the very latest.

    | Mon 10 Jun 2019 12:36:22 #13 |
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    My box is tuned to crystal palace. The smart retune wasnt working - it was putting dave as channel 800 for example. I had to use the default retune and then add back my scheduled recordings.

    | Wed 12 Jun 2019 19:57:23 #14 |

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