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Aura and Audio Recordings

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    Joined: Apr '21
    Posts: 4


    Not only can you record video, but you can record audio from the radio too. This is useful for people like me who like to record a series and "binge listen". When you view the recordings from a remote machine on the network you'll find that the videos you've recorded have a .ts extension (MPEG transport stream) and the radio recordings have .mp3 extension. However the audio isn't in a mp3 container they are merely .ts files given an .mp3 extension.

    Why does this matter? A transport stream can contain lots of other stuff that you don't want and consequently the files are quite large. However, you can use VLC to convert a .ts file to an .mp3 file and I found that this typically shrunk the size to a tenth, thus saving disk space so I can save more files for my future binge listening.

    | Fri 7 May 2021 10:26:36 #1 |

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