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Aura FTP server.

(4 posts)
  1. GordyBoy


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    Posts: 78


    What is the point of the FTP server? Any SD content I download from my Aura won't play on my PC. Filezilla shows lots of files for one recording - I just download the .TS file - is this wrong?

    | Sun 24 Jan 2021 13:07:49 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    GordyBoy - 2 mins ago  » 
    What is the point of the FTP server? Any SD content I download from my Aura won't play on my PC. Filezilla shows lots of files for one recording - I just download the .TS file - is this wrong?

    No idea if I had managed to down load a .ts file I can see on a computer I would be able to tell you. I have used the app to download a .ts file to a android device. It tell you the file is there but it's hidden so cannot be copied anywhere else.

    .ts is a transport stream container and is the container of choice for most pvr recordings including Humax. However what is needed is what video and audio streams are contained within the .ts container.

    Do you have a .ts file in a folder on a PC you can see in Windows Explorer ?

    | Sun 24 Jan 2021 13:15:49 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    GordyBoy - 21 mins ago  » 
    What is the point of the FTP server? Any SD content I download from my Aura won't play on my PC. Filezilla shows lots of files for one recording - I just download the .TS file - is this wrong?

    If it is like the other Humax PVRs then a recording downloaded by FTP will still be encrypted. The only use is I can think of is to backup any important recordings.

    | Sun 24 Jan 2021 13:31:25 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    Martin Liddle - 4 mins ago  » 

    GordyBoy - 21 mins ago  » 
    What is the point of the FTP server? Any SD content I download from my Aura won't play on my PC. Filezilla shows lots of files for one recording - I just download the .TS file - is this wrong?

    If it is like the other Humax PVRs then a recording downloaded by FTP will still be encrypted. The only use is I can think of is to backup any important recordings.

    To be any use presumably you should be able to delete the original recording and upload a working replacement.

    | Sun 24 Jan 2021 13:37:34 #4 |

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