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Aura has been updated

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    bellla2 - 52 mins ago  » 
    harters, obviously that was done, hasn't helped, never does. glad you evidently have what are referred to as a "good" aura, as opposed to all the rest of us.

    It wasn’t obvious from your posts that you have done a channel rescan as that didn’t happen automatically as part of the App update, that’s why I suggested it.

    I can honestly say my Aura has been very reliable apart from a few niggles in the very early days. I am sure I am not the only one. My Mum has one too and hers behaves itself as well.

    The only time I had a big issue is when Freeview/BBC were messing around and that caused issues, but not just the Aura, another recorder too. Once that was sorted all has been fine.

    It is quite often mentioned here that a Freeview reset can fix a multitude of issues. Doing this will not lose any of your recordings.

    | Sat 1 Jun 2024 12:04:07 #11 |
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    you're absolutely correct it wasn't obvious from my op, apologies about that. it's just that people who have what are referred to as "bad" auras are so used to the constant known faults, let alone new ones, that they usually try every trick under the sun when new issues arise before turning here so as not to bother anyone. and if you look online there's quite a few people who have been experiencing new issues since the auto update seen in the pic here. thanks again for the kind suggestions, always helpful. and so glad you and your parent have good ones.


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    | Sat 1 Jun 2024 13:11:28 #12 |
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    No worries, I really hope you get sprain as I can appreciate how frustrating for you

    | Sat 1 Jun 2024 14:19:22 #13 |
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    bellla2 - 3 hours ago  » 
    trog, unfortunately for those of us with what are referred to as "bad" auras, rebooting every single day is the only thing that limits crashes to 1 or 2 times a week. if it's left on standby crashes happen most days. that's a heck of a lot of recordings lost.

    You’ve probably done this but Have you tried a reset that’s different to a reboot and doesn’t delete recordings

    | Sat 1 Jun 2024 14:32:21 #14 |
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    bellla2 - 1 mnth ago  » 
    you're absolutely correct it wasn't obvious from my op, apologies about that. it's just that people who have what are referred to as "bad" auras are so used to the constant known faults, let alone new ones, that they usually try every trick under the sun when new issues arise before turning here so as not to bother anyone. and if you look online there's quite a few people who have been experiencing new issues since the auto update seen in the pic here. thanks again for the kind suggestions, always helpful. and so glad you and your parent have good ones.

    just to say Humax are aware that some aura boxes are experiencing new issues since this update, but unfortunately as usual they say have no solution at this time. sorry there's no better news for y'all

    | Thu 25 Jul 2024 13:31:13 #15 |

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