How very odd. The very afternoon I get an email from Humax on how excited they are to release the Android TV Box (without recording), my Aura refuses to display anything, apart from the Humax logo when booting or restarting.
I've done the Hold Power button for 10 seconds when applying Power, This shows the normal Android selection of Wiping System or Cache. Strangely, on two TV's, the first two characters are missing off the left of the screen. Took a while to work out what UNT was. I don't think it was the See You Next Tuesday reference, although my feelings were pretty much in that direction. Then it came to me, must be MOUNT.
Anyway, tried the Wiping, with no effect, so it looks like my place of purchase is going to get a call, as luckily I have extended warranty. Whether they have one in stock, or we go the Humax route, I'll find out tomorrow.
My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » Aura UHD
Aura hits the bit bucket
(4 posts)-
| Tue 8 Aug 2023 17:12:57 #1 |
Update. Took my Aura back to Richersounds, where I had originally bought it. Great service, arranged with Humax for a replacement Aura to be sent out. This arrived just over a week later. Aura has been working well until today!!! Got up, box is showing switched off. Not a good start. Used remote to switch box on, usual Humax logo, then nothing...!! What a balls ache, here we go again. Going to attempt the usual android wipe and restart. If not, I think a support call is due... Bollocks!
| Tue 29 Aug 2023 9:52:00 #2 | -
“Support call”
good luck
| Tue 29 Aug 2023 15:13:13 #3 | -
Following on...
Had a thought.Just in case, not that I suspected any reason why there should be a problem, I decided to swap HDMI cables. Well strike a light! Up pops the remote IR selection screen. The device which now has the Aura cable to it, doesn't display what it should, so confirming the cable is buggered.
So far so good. Ordered three replacement HDMI cables from Amazon arriving Thursday. I'll test them with my HDMI test set before use, which is what I did with my previous cables. Why you ask, do I have a tester? Well last year, my TV/Aura/media PC kept playing up, particularly when there was electrical interference such as a light or fridge turning off or on. Suffice to say, one of the internal wire shields was showing open circuit on the tester and probably acting as an inductively and capacity coupled antenna to that particular wire. Once cable was replaced, all was well until now.
So at this moment, the saga continues with all the setting up that needs to be done. Just the remote IR to do again, to avoid clashing with BT Ultra box.Support came to the same conclusion about changing the HDMI cables by the way. So well done to them.
| Tue 29 Aug 2023 16:31:31 #4 |
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