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Aura iPad app EPG

(3 posts)
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    Joined: Oct '16
    Posts: 43


    How can I make the app, on my iPad, retune channels. I have noticed that it is not showing the changes, I.e. “W” at 25.
    Tried signing out etc, uninstalling etc, nothing seems to work.
    The box itself was retuned and is showing “W” at 25 but the app will not?

    | Wed 4 May 2022 9:49:56 #1 |
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    special member
    Joined: Nov '20
    Posts: 151


    Just noticed that too when I read your post
    But if you tap on any programme it shows 025 W on the menu

    | Wed 4 May 2022 16:31:42 #2 |
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    Joined: Oct '16
    Posts: 43


    I hadn’t tried that but it does work. At least that means if we do use it, it may work.
    I also got the impression that when I opened the app but before it populated? It did show as 25 W.
    It changed to Dave ja vu almost immediately.
    Just needs someone to tell us why?

    | Wed 4 May 2022 18:34:29 #3 |

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