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Aura lost recordings

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    My Aura 1TB lost all recordings yesterday, including some "locked" ones, although the disk usage figure suggests that they are still on the Hard Drive.

    Coincidentally it also popped up a message that a recording failed due to a loss of power, but indications suggest there was no loss of power to the house.

    It's so annoying. It's the 4th Humax I've owned (previously 9200T, 9300T, 4000T) butthis Aura seems the most temperamental.

    I've just switched off and pulled out the mains plug, made a cup of coffee, then switched on again and there's still no recordings. So I re-formatted the Hard Drive and will keep my fingers crossed.

    | Sat 27 Jul 2024 7:22:09 #1 |
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    "So I re-formatted the Hard Drive and will keep my fingers crossed."

    Uncross your fingers you have ensured those recordings are lost now. A last resort should not be a first resort and you should at least have tried a factory reset first.

    | Sat 27 Jul 2024 11:25:13 #2 |
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    If the factory reset works as well as it did for me the recordings will still be missing and the space still taken up. See my posts on for more details

    | Sat 27 Jul 2024 12:03:25 #3 |
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    trog - 54 mins ago  » 
    "A last resort should not be a first resort and you should at least have tried a factory reset first.

    Ooops, but that's me LOL

    | Sat 27 Jul 2024 12:19:47 #4 |
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    EEPhil - 45 mins ago  » 
    If the factory reset works as well as it did for me the recordings will still be missing and the space still taken up. See my posts on for more details

    And that may have also been the case for Paul but as that has not happened to everyone who performed a factory reset you have to admit it should have been tried first and then any other actions explored and advice sought before he re-formatted the disk.

    | Sat 27 Jul 2024 12:55:05 #5 |
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    trog - 20 hours ago  » 
    you have to admit it should have been tried first and then any other actions explored and advice sought before he re-formatted the disk.

    I sort of did with an emoticon - on the other site - followed by suggestions that the recordings might be recoverable.

    | Sun 28 Jul 2024 9:52:01 #6 |

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