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Auro keeps turning itself back on when turned off

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    A new development today. I turned the Aura and TV off but as I was leaving the room, suddenly the TV came back on.
    Every time I turned the Aura off, it went red for a few seconds then turned itself right back on. I had to give up and turn the TV off but leave the Humax on because otherwise every time it was turning the TV on too.

    My wife said the other day watching Netflix on the TV's built-in app, it several times switched source to the Humax input (HDMI1) and I think this must be related. There's a bug that the Aura turns itself on from the TV even when CEC is disabled (accidentally switch to HDMI1 and the box turns on) but it's never done this sort of thing before.

    Anyone ever seen this particular issue? It's been quite well-behaved for us the last few months but a TV which turns itself on isn't exactly ideal!

    | Wed 18 Jan 2023 14:35:47 #1 |
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    this is a known problem, Humax configure the HDMI so that pin 13 is always live, even when CEC is disabled. LINDY make an adaptor that fits inline with the Aura OUTPUT and stops the box controlling the TV. That will solve the problem.

    | Wed 18 Jan 2023 17:39:30 #2 |
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    TIM-SUE - 14 mins ago  » 
    this is a known problem, Humax configure the HDMI so that pin 13 is always live, even when CEC is disabled. LINDY make an adaptor that fits inline with the Aura OUTPUT and stops the box controlling the TV. That will solve the problem.

    That's cool, thanks - I was aware it's a known bug but not the details. Google found this which looks like that part I want:

    I can see this would stop the Humax turning the TV on our causing the TV to auto switch input "hey there's an active input source", but not the aura turning itself back on repeatedly. But it may be the same issue, each device keeps turning the other on... Or possibly even a remote control conflict. I've definitely kept my remotes separate but even so the Humax remote can control the TV.

    I'll get this adapter and see if anything remains odd.

    | Wed 18 Jan 2023 17:58:41 #3 |
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    Just a quick update, I bought that little adapter and so far everything is working as I would have hoped.

    Does this mean I now cannot use CEC, or only that it will work properly if I turn it on?

    Thanks for the help.

    | Mon 23 Jan 2023 16:51:39 #4 |

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