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Barry. ( Forum Administrator) Appreciation.

(3 posts)
  1. graham uk

    graham uk

    special member
    Joined: Jun '16
    Posts: 164


    Barry. ( Forum Administrator) Just a few words to thank Barry for his work on this forum and other forum members who are on the 4000T BETA testing for their feedback.
    After the latest OS 1.01.49.we now have a product performing reasonable well.

    graham uk

    | Tue 29 Nov 2016 10:28:56 #1 |
  2. aciddad


    special member
    Joined: Jun '12
    Posts: 103


    I second your words about Barry.

    Admin edit: off topic comments removed as member already posted comments in relevant thread Link

    | Tue 29 Nov 2016 11:08:12 #2 |
  3. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,019


    Thank you for the kind words.

    Administering the Forum is the easy part.

    We would not be what I and others consider to be the best source of help for Humax owners if it were not for our regular members giving their time helping/guiding/advising, and I thank them for their support.

    It goes without say of course the assistance of the mangers and engineers at Humax Towers is invaluable, and greatly appreciated.

    | Thu 1 Dec 2016 13:54:15 #3 |

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