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The "empty schedule" problem

(153 posts)
  1. aciddad


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    Would it be possible to try and get a count of users with 1.01.49 software (the latest update) who are experiencing the "empty schedule" problem?
    I'm one.


    Admin edit:

    Please read the following posts if you are experiencing this issue:

    | Tue 29 Nov 2016 10:19:55 #1 |
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    Add me to the list. I've got two boxes and both suffer the priblem. Sometimes the problem seems to fix itself, other times a reboot (power cycle) is needed.

    Strange thing is, when the "empty scedule" happens I can still see programs marked as scheduled in the epg. Also in the IOS app and remote recording web site. Although for reasons best known to Humax towers, neither web site nor IOS app show any of the radio channels and never have.

    | Tue 29 Nov 2016 10:26:56 #2 |
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    Me too. I reported it to Humax support saying it has happened since the last sw update but they said they were unaware of the issue. I tried (my 4th or 5th) a deletion of all channels and re-scan yesterday. I've also tried a factory reset which didn't help.

    David - out of interest do you use remote recording via the humax app? I turned this on the same time as the update so can't be sure it's not linked in some way to that but it's unlikely as I've since turned it off.

    | Tue 29 Nov 2016 12:07:05 #3 |
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    I have the "empty schedule" problem since updating to 1.01.49.

    I don't use the remote recording app.

    | Tue 29 Nov 2016 13:12:38 #4 |
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    Me as well. Have owned this box for about 6 months. In the last few days it has started deleting the scheduled recordings. On the programme guide it still shows that they are down to record. I cannot amend the recordings or delete them from the programme guide either.
    The only solution I can find is to factory reset the box and start again. Total pain in the back side!

    | Tue 29 Nov 2016 13:53:21 #5 |
  6. Barry


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    I witnessed this on an earlier beta release but not on this one so far.

    When I had problem all timers that were scheduled and are annotated as such in the EPG recorded ok. The schedule reappeared the next day.

    Message sent to Humax Towers highlighting the issue with this release.

    | Tue 29 Nov 2016 14:02:50 #6 |
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    I don't have the problem.

    I don't use android or IOS apps and never set it up

    Aside from some initial problems during the first couple of weeks, I did not suffer any of the reboot problems on 1.01.34 or on the newer 1.01.49 and I didn't use 1.01.31 long enough

    I did do a factory reset (default) after updating to 1.01.49 after noting my schedule and I re-entered the schedule. There is only one TV transmitter in my area

    Somebody that experiences the problem and has a 2nd box to reset and use for testing is in an ideal position to determine what sets it off. I find it interesting that NickC can't delete from the EPG, almost as if the schedule has been corrupted and there's any number of possibilities as to why that may happen.

    | Tue 29 Nov 2016 14:13:14 #7 |
  8. Barry


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    Humax Towers have responded, issue reported to dev and validations teams for investigation.

    Re post #6 - I too could not delete or amend timers via EPG, but as stated they did record, and schedule list re appeared next day.

    More when I have it.

    | Tue 29 Nov 2016 15:14:17 #8 |
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    Spoke too soon regarding the latest software update. My recording schedule has disappeared. Great. On attempting to reset the recording schedule on the TV guide I've noticed programmes previously set to record are still showing the record symbol,but I'm not allowed to cancel the record or set it to record again. What on earth is going on? Humax should be ashamed.

    | Tue 29 Nov 2016 18:11:19 #9 |
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    The only answer was to do yet another factory reset and set the recording schedule yet again. Barry,do you know if there is any way possible to get hold of the original software this box was released with thirteen months ago? Then it was the most reliable PVR I had ever owned,and it also had the contentious 2160p resolution option! Any help would be appreciated.

    | Tue 29 Nov 2016 18:48:24 #10 |

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