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BBC I player broadband download speed

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    new member
    Joined: Apr '14
    Posts: 4


    Does anyone know what broadband download speed will provide an error free reception when viewing the BBC I Player. I live in the sticks and only get 1.5mbps download speed. The HB 1000s can be a bit intermittent however I also have a Panasonic TV with built in Freesat and this seems to be fine on the I player. Both are set to the low bandwidth setting.

    | Sun 27 Apr 2014 9:27:33 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,074


    Welcome to our Forum

    I believe freesat recommend a minimum broadband speed of 2Mbps.

    | Sun 27 Apr 2014 10:25:23 #2 |
  3. IAINB


    Joined: Oct '13
    Posts: 19


    Dear PCS,

    I used to have a speed of around 3MB and had unreliable reception of iPlayer on a Foxsat, except on the lower setting. I have a much faster broadband now, and my troubles are over.

    Have you tried campaigning for (much) better broadband speeds? I live in a small forgotten town where I had no support in this, definitely not from the local council and sleepy business group, but I contacted a number of people, including the local MP, and won. BT updated our local exchange earlier than expected which doubled the speed. Not only that, but I helped to push my town up in the queue for fibre.

    It is worth considering optimising your connection for internet too. This should be your main one at the entry point to your house. I found it worth keeping the input to the filter as short as possible, ie connecting the filter directly into the entry box with any distance required (to reach the Freesat box) via a good quality RJ45 cable. It is worth buying this in CAT6 quality. You are allowed 10m on this but make it shorter if possible.

    Hopefully this will be of use! Regards. IAINB

    | Wed 30 Apr 2014 8:26:29 #3 |

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