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BBC4 HD recording error?

(27 posts)
  1. grahamlthompson


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    srichards - 2 minutes ago  » 
    I'd check for the programme on iplayer.
    If it's in eco mode I'd switch it over to normal as eco mode has always been at the bottom of quite a lot of the previous humax gremlins.

    All of my Humax boxes have always used low power sby. I can't recollect a single issue related to this.

    | Tue 6 Mar 2018 13:21:36 #21 |
  2. Barry


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    grahamlthompson - 26 minutes ago  » 

    srichards - 2 minutes ago  » 
    I'd check for the programme on iplayer.
    If it's in eco mode I'd switch it over to normal as eco mode has always been at the bottom of quite a lot of the previous humax gremlins.

    All of my Humax boxes have always used low power sby. I can't recollect a single issue related to this.

    Ditto, currently 10 units (freesat and freeview) connected all in low power sby.

    | Tue 6 Mar 2018 13:50:22 #22 |
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    I may be wrong, but I always assumed the broken recording icon appeared with power loss or crash, but also when I have too many shows recording. I have padding on front and end of each recording and so there can be quite an overlap. If I'm recording a couple of shows back to back I can easily exceed the 4 recordings limit. As the new recording waits for a recorder to become free it hasn't recorded the whole show as requested or if a show is truncated early, in this case it displays the icon The show is still there but may be missing the first bit or last bit of the recording.

    | Tue 6 Mar 2018 15:43:43 #23 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    micmac - 18 minutes ago  » 
    I may be wrong, but I always assumed the broken recording icon appeared with power loss or crash, but also when I have too many shows recording. I have padding on front and end of each recording and so there can be quite an overlap. If I'm recording a couple of shows back to back I can easily exceed the 4 recordings limit. As the new recording waits for a recorder to become free it hasn't recorded the whole show as requested or if a show is truncated early, in this case it displays the icon The show is still there but may be missing the first bit or last bit of the recording.

    I have loads when there was only 1 or 2 recordings. No actual programme content is missing.

    | Tue 6 Mar 2018 16:02:52 #24 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    micmac - 2 hours ago  » 
    I have padding on front and end of each recording and so there can be quite an overlap.

    Generally speaking using padding causes more problems than it solves. However at the moment BBC seem to have an ongoing problem with accurate recording so now probably isn't the time to start experimenting.

    | Tue 6 Mar 2018 18:07:33 #25 |
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    I've noticed a big improvement with accurate record since the closing ceremony of the winter Olympics - I smell a rat.

    | Tue 6 Mar 2018 22:38:43 #26 |
  7. Paul Bton

    Paul Bton

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    micmac - 18 minutes ago  » 
    I may be wrong, but I always assumed the broken recording icon appeared with power loss or crash, but also when I have too many shows recording. I have padding on front and end of each recording and so there can be quite an overlap. If I'm recording a couple of shows back to back I can easily exceed the 4 recordings limit. As the new recording waits for a recorder to become free it hasn't recorded the whole show as requested or if a show is truncated early, in this case it displays the icon The show is still there but may be missing the first bit or last bit of the recording.

    I have loads when there was only 1 or 2 recordings. No actual programme content is missing.

    I get the broken recording icon and I don’t have padding recording on so I don’t think it is that. I seem to get quite a lot on BBC4 which often play ok.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    | Wed 7 Mar 2018 9:33:24 #27 |

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