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BBCiPlayer stopped working

(2 posts)
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    new member
    Joined: Nov '19
    Posts: 2


    BBC iPlayer has stopped working since yesterday. When I select 'BBC iPlayer' it displays the name but then fails to open the home page. I've tried restarting the Humax. Anyone got any ideas?

    | Tue 15 Oct 2024 6:44:24 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,035


    Adminstrator 'Barry' has merged this topic 'BBCiPlayer stopped working' with topic 'On Demand currently not available'.

    This topic is now closed. You can follow the merged topics by clicking here: On Demand currently not available (start of merged post).
    | Tue 15 Oct 2024 8:40:07 #2 |

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