My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HB 1000S, 1100S

Before I decide to purchase...

(2 posts)
  1. TrueBlue1981


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    Joined: Jan '14
    Posts: 1


    I've been looking around for a new FreeSat box, since I'm currently using my TVs built-in FreeView feature, but it's not great. A bit laggy, the Guide doesn't work and etc.

    After quite a bit of searching, I found the Humax HB-1000S. It was HD, it was cheap, aesthetically pleasing and all that, so I instantly added it to my list of "very possibles"'s currently the only one.

    On top of that, I've also been needing to replace my HDD media player as well. Having read that the HB-1000S also supports playback from an external HDD, it was then moved to my list of "Totally Possibles".

    I read on various sites that it supports a lot of the usual formats, such as AVI, WMV and MP4, and that it also supports MKV. This was rather important since I watch a lot of Japanese weirdness and films, so subtitles are a must.

    My questions are, to the people how have used this, what is the playback like from a USB HDD (USB powered)? Does it handle MKV fine and more importantly, does it support subtitles and what do the subtitles look like?

    I know it's a bit of an odd thing to ask, given that it's a FreeSat box first and a media player second, but if it does what I need, then I can see myself buying it, along with a large USB HDD.

    Thanks for any info you can provide!

    | Fri 24 Jan 2014 22:25:04 #1 |
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    Joined: Jan '14
    Posts: 26


    My questions are, to the people how have used this, what is the playback like from a USB HDD (USB powered)? Does it handle MKV fine and more importantly, does it support subtitles and what do the subtitles look like?
    It plays .MKV's fine from NAS (WD My Book), but it didn't displayed any subtitles, even though vlc shows them fine on my PC from same location. Could be twonky dropping them? Haven't tryed from usb HDD yet.

    | Sat 25 Jan 2014 3:28:21 #2 |

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