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Best model

(3 posts)
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    Joined: Dec '19
    Posts: 11


    I have decided to give up my ageing Topfield (toppy) and purchase a Humax.
    My toppy was running with the MY STUFF program.
    My question is which model is Similar to that model, I do want to start recording in HD.

    | Wed 11 Dec 2019 9:26:47 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    grandpabob - 2 mins ago  » 
    I have decided to give up my ageing Topfield (toppy) and purchase a Humax.
    My toppy was running with the MY STUFF program.
    My question is which model is Similar to that model, I do want to start recording in HD.

    The nearest you can get is a second hand (discontinued) HDR-FOX-T2 running the custom firmware.

    | Wed 11 Dec 2019 9:30:39 #2 |
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    I used to use a Toppy as well (a TF5800) and shortly before it died permanently I got an FVP 5000T to run alongside it. The User Interface, probably in common with most others, is (in my opinion) far inferior to MyStuff which would be very hard to better.

    I have not seen the unit suggested above but it seems to be the most recommended in these circumstances.

    | Wed 11 Dec 2019 10:16:14 #3 |

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