I have the 4000T in Room 1 with the TV. I have a second TV in Room 2 where I would like to be able to fully control the 4000T in Room 1 and to view the recordings on it. What is the best way to do this? Only Room 1 or Room 2 would be used at any time - I do not need to have both in use at the same time.
Method 1 - Use my old H3 Espresso (software 1.27.21)
The remote does not have all the functions of the Humax remote control. The unit itself seems very flaky: it will go forward in the recordings listings but not backwards. If I fast forward a recording, it does so for a short time, then stops the recording. And so on ...
If I purchased a new Espresso it it likely to be better than my old one?
Method 2 - Extend the HDMI cable?
Can I use a long HDMI cable? It would need to be 10 or 12 metres long. When in Room 2 I would use the remote and take a signal from the LED on the remote, transmit it by wire or wireless to where the FVP 4000T is in Room 1, where I would drive another LED in front of the FVP 4000T. Using the remote in Room 2 will then fully operate the FVP 4000T in Room 1.
Method 3 - Use the RCA output
I haven't tried this yet - what is the quality likely to be? And can RCA drive 10 - 12 metres of cable? I still need the remote gadget as above.
Method 4 - Keep moving the FVP 4000T between rooms
I am reluctant to keep moving the FVP itself as it will mean repeatedly plugging and unplugging the HDMI lead which will no doubt knacker the socket over time.
Can anyone suggest better ways?