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Box not recogising any hard disk

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    My box recently stopped recognising the original hard disk supplied with the box (disk no longer showing up in the setup menus).

    I presumed the disk had died and bought a new 3TB one and formatted that with the usual three partitions (ext3 fs), but it doesn't recognise that disk either. I know both disks are fine as both windows and linux can read/write to them.

    Does anyone have any idea what may be wrong with the box? I'm not sure if it was still under warranty, but now that I've opened the box I've probably invalidated that anyway. What are Humax like pricewise for non-warranty repairs? I don't want to buy a new box if I can help it as I don't watch much live tv any more (mainly netflix/prime these days).

    | Mon 12 Oct 2015 7:45:20 #1 |


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    It could be a faulty motherboard controller which would be expensive to replace.
    Suggest you contact Humax anyway.

    | Mon 12 Oct 2015 8:48:58 #2 |
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    If you registered it with Humax the warranty is two years.

    | Mon 12 Oct 2015 8:58:39 #3 |
  4. MontysEvilTwin


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    I'm not sure about this model, but most of the Humax boxes are limited to 2TB. Above this would require a GUID partition table on the disk and I think this is unsupported.
    The Humax boxes usually have a sticker on the casing which needs to be cut or peeled off to allow the box to be opened. If you peel it off it usually leaves a 'void' mark on the case. Depending on the state of this sticker, you might have invalidated the warranty.

    | Mon 12 Oct 2015 10:11:45 #4 |
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    Hi all, after an ongoing saga with a 1010 box that is three years old - I've decided to try replacing the hard drive. It's 1tb at the moment - is it safe to go to 2? And is the Seagate Pipeline still one that I should buy or is there a more suitable one? Thanks for any advice...

    | Wed 21 Oct 2015 20:36:31 #5 |
  6. Barry


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    Like for like is the obvious choice, Graham and Repassac used a WD AV drive if my memory serves.

    | Thu 22 Oct 2015 9:11:36 #6 |
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    If memory serves me lots of forum members have installed 2Tb WD AV drives including myself. Very good drives in my opinion.

    | Thu 22 Oct 2015 10:50:33 #7 |
  8. grahamlthompson


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    Barry - 1 hour ago  » 
    Like for like is the obvious choice, Graham and Repassac used a WD AV drive if my memory serves.

    Your memory serves correctly

    The drive we used was a WD-AVGP 2TB sata2 design no longer available. It's replaced by a sata3 design. We don't know if the drive data speed requires reducing with a jumper on pins 5 and 6.

    Latest model is WD20EURS

    I have a Foxsat-hdr with a 1TB WD AV-GP drive, it has given flawless service since 2008.

    | Thu 22 Oct 2015 11:09:11 #8 |
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    I had this problem a while back and it just fixed itself (I took the HD out and put it in a case to connect to my pc to check it was working but didn't format it or anything before I put it back in) after maybe a month/6 weeks. I haven't had any problems with it for 9 months now (besides the rebooting problem which has popped up this weekend).

    | Sun 25 Oct 2015 15:58:16 #9 |

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