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Brand New FVP500T - Netflix Connectivity Problem

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    I've bought a brand new Humax FVP5000T player this week, which I have set up without any problems apart from a connectivity issue with the Netflix App.

    If I either press the Netflix button or access the Netflix App via the Players menu, the box will not connect to the App (just get a blank screen). Whilst the Remote Will allow me to go back to live TV, I am then unable to access any of the other players or even change channel (it will allow me to adjust the volume though).

    The only way around this is to disconnect the power/internet for a few seconds and switch back on. I can then access everything as normal, but not the Netflix.

    Anyone know of a way round this? Should I do a factory reset or do you think I may have a faulty box? Appreciate any help or advice. Thanks

    | Fri 10 Jul 2020 12:32:33 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    How is the box connected to your router ?

    | Fri 10 Jul 2020 12:35:29 #2 |
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    Connected wirelessly. Should I reset using the ethernet cable?

    | Fri 10 Jul 2020 12:39:40 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    dogfish67 - 1 min ago  » 
    Connected wirelessly. Should I reset using the ethernet cable?

    I was just going to ask if you can connect using ethernet

    It's way more reliable than wireless.

    | Fri 10 Jul 2020 12:42:20 #4 |
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    Thanks Graham, I'll give it a try.

    | Fri 10 Jul 2020 13:09:03 #5 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    dogfish67 - 1 hour ago  » 
    If I either press the Netflix button or access the Netflix App via the Players menu, the box will not connect to the App (just get a blank screen).

    There have been a number of recent reports of problems with the Netfilx app. The fix that has worked for other users is a reset to default settings for the FVP.

    | Fri 10 Jul 2020 13:39:25 #6 |
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    I got a 5000T on Wed 8th I set it up no problem, it was just a case of take out the Fox T2 and in with the 5000T I had no problems except getting over the shock of how poor the remote was. Then I tried the Netflix button. I got a blank screen, then I waited, and waited. Eventually I had to switch it off at the wall and restart all over again. The same happened another three times. I had tried everything I could think of. Reluctantly I had to do a factory reset. I set it all up again, and I got the same all over again. I phoned the help line on the Thursday morning, I explained everything and got told that they had been told about the problem a couple of times, and it was being worked on. I asked if it would be a week, a couple of weeks, a month, a couple of months. The guy said to me he couldn't say how long and he said I had 30 days to return it back to Amazon. So I will give it a couple of more weeks to see what happens. That is the first problem I have had with Humax, I had a Fox T2 for nearly 5 years and it was A1 class. I don't rate the 5000T very highly, except the extra storage, and the extra tuner. The poor remote is a massive let down. Not even a radio button. And the lack of visual acknowledgement on the box its self lets it down big time. Going backwards is not the right way. If anyone knows of a fix in the next couple of weeks, it would be appreciated. Thanks.

    | Sun 12 Jul 2020 7:24:54 #7 |
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    Having tried both the Factory Reset and connecting with an Ethernet cable, I'm still having no joy, and have the same problem as WEEH above.

    I'm taking the box back to Currys today to get a replacement. It's disappointing as it's the second FVP5000 I've taken back. (The first one was 'sticky' on live TV (not down to my aerial is it works fine when plugged directly into the TV, and not down to my fibre broadband router as all the catch up players worked fine).

    Let's hope it's third time lucky!

    | Mon 13 Jul 2020 10:06:11 #8 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    dogfish67 - 33 mins ago  » 

    I'm taking the box back to Currys today to get a replacement.

    What software version is the box running? Are you aware that there is a new version being rolled out (hasn't reached me yet)?

    | Mon 13 Jul 2020 10:41:29 #9 |
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    Well for what it’s worth, I got a replacement box from Curry’s anyway. The new box has exactly the same problem, it simply will not access Netflix. Looking on the System Information, the ESN reads ‘HAZEL:ERROR - Insufficient Netflix. The software version on the box is UKTFAE 1.03.51. I’ve run a software update scan & this is the latest.

    Is there a fix to this apart from taking it back to the shop and exchanging for a Panasonic?

    | Mon 13 Jul 2020 18:59:04 #10 |

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