My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HDR 1000, 1010, 1100S

Calling all 1100 owners...

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    1100s owners – does your unit emit a faint but very annoying whistling sound?! If you get up close it sounds like the fan spinning but it’s so loud you can hear it across the room. Very high pitched, sounds like resonance in the unit. I must say I have a low tolerance for noise and so this is bugging me. It may be that I have super sonic hearing but I’d be grateful for your experience. If you can’t hear it across the room, do you hear it when you get up close to the box? Mine is very intrusive and can be heard over the sound of the TV, at least during the quieter spells. It's much louder than the noise my laptop makes, for example.

    Would be grateful for feedback on the 1010s as well.

    | Sun 23 Aug 2015 22:22:31 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Welcome to our Forum

    I not noticed any sound from mine at all.

    | Mon 24 Aug 2015 10:43:21 #2 |
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    My 1000s has a 2TB drive and I can just about hear it when booted if there's no other noise in the room, sounds like your 1100 has a fault.

    | Mon 24 Aug 2015 13:09:41 #3 |
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    Unless it is reported by other owners, I would suspect that one of the power supply inductors in your unit is vibrating and emitting the "high pitched sound". The switch mode power supply operates in the KHz range, rather than the 50Hz mains frequency. Normally any components which might be subject to this effect are given a blob of something to dampen the sound. This noise is is not a problem, or dangerous, just annoying.

    When you are ancient like me you would not hear it anyway!!

    | Mon 24 Aug 2015 13:09:43 #4 |
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    Joined: Aug '15
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    I am on my second unit and can confirm that neither was/is noisy.
    Just listened carefully and cannot hear anything.
    Whilst you are logged on perhaps you could have a look at my earlier post" Booting sequence HDR1100".
    Hope you get it sorted.

    | Mon 24 Aug 2015 13:25:51 #5 |
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    Thanks for the replies. As I say, I do have really good hearing (and am the right side of 40!) so I appreciate I may have more sensitive hearing than some people, but again, I'm used to the hum of laptops/PCs and they don't bother me.

    Fedman you may be onto something with it being the power supply. When the unit is in standby it is silent.

    Reffub - how would you describe the noise from your 1000s - is it just the usual computer fan hum/rumble?

    Anyway... I have since returned the unit for a refund. I didn't want to exchange as I thought it was the fan to blame and presumed the ones in the shop would all be from same batch. So I plan to buy another one in the coming weeks (hopefully from a different batch) and give it a try.

    | Tue 25 Aug 2015 12:34:53 #6 |
  7. Barry


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    There is no fan in the 1100S.

    | Tue 25 Aug 2015 14:18:53 #7 |
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    Ok thanks Barry, so please can you tell me what causes the operating noise when the unit is on. To me it sounded like a fan in a laptop.

    | Tue 25 Aug 2015 14:26:04 #8 |
  9. Barry


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    HDD? - cannot hear a peep from my unit.

    | Tue 25 Aug 2015 14:30:40 #9 |
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    Joined: Aug '15
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    Just booted the 1100 again with my ear close to it and could not hear any sound.
    Good idea to try a later batch and would be interested in your findings.

    | Tue 25 Aug 2015 14:39:02 #10 |

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