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Can I backup my Aura?

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    Joined: Oct '22
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    I've had several recording issues with my new Aura and Humax Support are now suggesting that I reformat the disk.
    Is there a way that I can backup (e.g. to my PC) all my recordings so that I can then restore them?

    | Mon 31 Oct 2022 10:43:20 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    TimboC - 8 hours ago  » 
    I've had several recording issues with my new Aura and Humax Support are now suggesting that I reformat the disk.

    Perhaps you would like to describe the issues you have had?

    Is there a way that I can backup (e.g. to my PC) all my recordings so that I can then restore them?

    You can backup the recordings in various ways eg FTP but restoring them as they were, isn't as far as I am aware possible. If they are SD recordings then you can put them in the upload directory so they are on the Aura but you will probably need something like VLC to play them. HD recordings are encrypted so you can't, as far as I know, do anything useful with them.

    | Mon 31 Oct 2022 19:14:04 #2 |

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