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Can I transfer library from one 9300T to my new 9300T

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    My Humax box (which is usually great) has failed me! The box will not record. It does continue as a freeview box and has retained the library.

    I have looked at the troubleshoots in the user guide and contacted Humax UK tech guys who have gone through a few fixes and emailed some instructions to make sure the channels are manually configured. I have tried leaving the box switched off, rebooting and everything else I can think of or follow from the Users Manual.without success. I (and the advice from HUMAX) seem to be left with formatting.

    The problem is that as well as the "dross" there are recordings I have kept for a long time and do not want to go.

    By chance, a few weeks ago I bought another 9300T which I have yet to unbox.


    Can I transfer (save) the recordings I want to keep (or indeed the whole contents) to the new HUMAX or a computer before I format the original HDD? (when I hope the original machine will work fully again.

    | Wed 20 Jun 2012 9:24:14 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    alun4 - 59 minutes ago  » 
    Can I transfer (save) the recordings I want to keep (or indeed the whole contents) to the new HUMAX or a computer before I format the original HDD? (when I hope the original machine will work fully again.

    If you connect the hard drive to a PC then you can certainly download the recordings using humaxrw see Link to humaxrw. There have been some reports recently that programs cannot be successfully transferred back on a 9300 (the 9200 works fine). The author is happy to investigate the problem but needs the cooperation of a user to enable him to fix the problem; perhaps you could assist?

    | Wed 20 Jun 2012 10:28:08 #2 |
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    I would appreciate the help! I'm not at home at the moment so can't get at the Humax. I will be returning from work late this afternoon.

    My laptop does not have a lot of free space but I do have a Medion 500GB external hard drive that I have only previously used for back up.

    | Wed 20 Jun 2012 11:26:26 #3 |

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