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Can I trust this email from Humax?

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    Sorry if this isn't the correct place for this enquiry but I couldn't find anywhere else on these forums that was suitable.

    Basically, my father bought a refurbished Humax PVR through their website and today has received an email from Humax online support, asking for a proof of purchase due to a system error. They are asking to confirm the email address the payment went to and want a screenshot of the receipt.

    The wording is a bit suspicious, to wit:

    "It is crucial you do not include anything other than the payment transaction made to us through Paypal."

    not to mention the lack of order reference number or anything to make this look official. The email even opens "Hi I'm Rob and I work for Humax".

    So, can anyone please confirm if this is a scam or a genuine but poorly worded email from Humax?

    Thanks in advance.

    | Fri 30 Apr 2021 11:03:48 #1 |


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    You don't mention the website you purchased it from, or if the payment was actually made via PayPal.

    My initial thoughts ere it is a scam. How did the scammer get any knowledge of the transaction.

    I would run a full virus and malware scan of your PC. Next copy and paste the link where you were supposed to send the receipt to.

    The best adive if you have any suspision it might be a scan, it is.

    | Fri 30 Apr 2021 11:24:12 #2 |
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    Thanks for the reply.

    Actually, I did say it was bought through the Humax website, and yes the payment went through PayPal who did send a receipt and the PVR came two days later as promised. This was about three weeks ago.

    The transaction was completely genuine but as I say, this email however seemed suspect for the reasons mentioned before. There are no links in it, no official Humax headers or footers with the usual business info and disclaimers, or any attachments to download, the sender expects me to reply directly.

    I might be wrong but you can never tell. The email was sent by

    | Fri 30 Apr 2021 11:50:00 #3 |


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    it may well be genuine but it is surprising that they know your email address. I would therefore expect that it would be simple to find their transactions on your account with them.

    Perhaps you could reply with a copy of this post.

    | Fri 30 Apr 2021 12:27:37 #4 |
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    Surely just call them directly is the obvious thing to do?

    | Fri 30 Apr 2021 13:06:34 #5 |
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    Not for me as I'm hard of hearing and don't use the phone and my father isn't so well at the moment. If nobody else has any advice maybe I'll leave it and see if this Rob chap tries to email again...

    | Fri 30 Apr 2021 15:13:16 #6 |
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    MIB - 24 mins ago  » 
    Not for me as I'm hard of hearing and don't use the phone and my father isn't so well at the moment. If nobody else has any advice maybe I'll leave it and see if this Rob chap tries to email again...

    In that case, please accept my apologies for making an unuseful suggestion.
    I can confirm that is a legitimate address and I can also confirm that I have chatted online with a Robert previously.
    Is the contact link on the Humax Direct web page, which is presumably where the purchase was made. Get in touch and ask for clarification of what they want and why.

    | Fri 30 Apr 2021 15:44:58 #7 |
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    No worries. You weren't to know.

    Thanks for the link. Will send them a note.


    | Fri 30 Apr 2021 16:27:26 #8 |
  9. Barry


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    To the OP

    Have confirmed with Humax Towers Customer Services Manager this is genuine.

    | Fri 30 Apr 2021 17:39:35 #9 |
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    Thank you Barry.

    I have also left a message via the contact page in the link provided to me earlier, so maybe somebody will respond with an in depth explanation.

    | Sat 1 May 2021 8:43:43 #10 |

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