My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HDR 1000, 1010, 1100S

Can Kodi be used on 1100s or other Freesat Box?

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    Afternoon all. More than happy 1100s user (our Virgin box has not been switched on in months) but I keep being drawn back to discussions about Amazon Fire TV and Kodi.

    Simple (and most likely stupid) question but does the 1100s (or indeed any other Freesat box) have the option to install the Kodi software and set up?

    Would be a superb add on to an already first class system.

    Many thanks

    | Fri 3 Jun 2016 14:08:26 #1 |
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    All of the current Humax Freesat boxes have locked down partitions. You cannot install anything in addition to what Humax provide.

    | Fri 3 Jun 2016 15:58:51 #2 |


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    If you can find a Foxsat-HDR and install the custom firmware an older version of XMBC can be installed.

    Some of us still live in hope of Humax adding a secure DLNA server to the HDR-1xx0S range.

    | Fri 3 Jun 2016 16:12:08 #3 |
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    REPASSAC - 18 hours ago  » 

    Some of us still live in hope of Humax adding a secure DLNA server to the HDR-1xx0S range.

    Only in your dreams Repassac, only in your dreams.

    | Sat 4 Jun 2016 10:54:24 #4 |
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    Using the 1100s as an access device to movies etc on NAS has worked very nicely for us so far. There are some audio formats that are not supported and the menu systems could be better but works solid enough.

    Would be first class if some incredibly clever soul out there finds a way to parallel install Kodi on there....can you imagine Freesat / Freetime / DLNA access and Kodi on one box? Sky Q....what's that again?

    | Sat 4 Jun 2016 13:52:24 #5 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    atacama40 - 1 hour ago  » 
    Using the 1100s as an access device to movies etc on NAS has worked very nicely for us so far. There are some audio formats that are not supported and the menu systems could be better but works solid enough.
    Would be first class if some incredibly clever soul out there finds a way to parallel install Kodi on there....can you imagine Freesat / Freetime / DLNA access and Kodi on one box? Sky Q....what's that again?

    Not a chance, only the Foxsat-HDR can run Linux apps thanks to the Custom Firmware.

    | Sat 4 Jun 2016 14:57:26 #6 |

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