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Can our HDR Fox-T2 be fixed?

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    Well I think I managed it amazingly not knowing what I'm doing going through the windows network stuff but when I tried the Full Web Interface it said that unusually for a HDR Fox-T2 it couldn't find a formatted hard disk. I've clicked on the Telnet Menu is there something in the menu I should try like diag or is fixdisk available?

    | Tue 2 Mar 2021 21:44:41 #21 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    MikeJH - 13 hours ago  » 
    I've clicked on the Telnet Menu is there something in the menu I should try like diag or is fixdisk available?

    Sorry I can't remember what the Telnet menu looks like for a box that hasn't got the full version of the custom firmware; is their an option to enter maintenance mode? If so that is the way to run fix-disk (you may need a PIN which unless you have changed it will be 0000). If not come back here and I will do some research.

    | Wed 3 Mar 2021 11:45:53 #22 |
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    Help! clearly the web interface won't download because it's not detecting a hard disk. I tried diag it asked me what I want it to diagnose so I don't know any commands so I tried maint and was gratified that it sent a command to the Humax and it went into maintenance mode but then I couldn't connect back to the Humax. I was relieved that the Humax went back to normal after I turned it off completely and on again. I checked the IP address of the Humax and it had changed so I altered the IP address in the network settings in Windows and again it connected and I tried maint with the same result. Could you please advise me as to what the internet and LAN settings should be on the Humax and if I've got all the right settings in Windows? I realize I might have to try a wifi booster or accept that I should try a new hard drive but I can only try.

    | Wed 3 Mar 2021 12:36:06 #23 |
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    If the disk is bad you may be at the limit of what can be done short of replacing the disk. However you should have enough access to check to see if the system has any sight of the disk to confirm if your original diagnosis was along the right lines.

    From the webif
    click 'diag'
    click 'command line'
    Enter the PIN (usually four zeroes)
    At the 'please select option' prompt type 'cli' and press return

    Carefully type in 'fdisk -l' followed by return (that is 'l' for list).

    fdisk -l should list any disks it finds on the system and any partitions on the disk. If a disk is shown and has been mounted, then you can get a bit of information about any partitions.

    type in 'df -h' followed by return.

    Copy and paste the results here.

    Type 'exit' return to leave the cli mode.

    If your disk is showing but full up as you initially suspected then it may be possible to proceed with sorting it out.

    | Wed 3 Mar 2021 14:48:12 #24 |
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    Thanks Dino I'll give it a go. I don't suppose you could tell me which internet settings the Humax should be on?

    | Wed 3 Mar 2021 15:09:41 #25 |
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    If the humax is directly connected to your home router using an ethernet cable and you want to manually set the IP address of the humax through settings>system>internet settings>configure LAN then you need to know a bit about your local network to pick a valid (but currently unused) IP address to assign to the humax. The mask, gateway and DNS setting will be common to your LAN.

    If the humax is connected as above but left on DHCP the router should supply the humax with a valid set of LAN settings using DHCP. You can see what gets assigned by viewing settings>system>internet settings>configure LAN.

    If you connect the humax with a plugin wireless device then there are similar settings under settings>system>internet settings>configure wi-fi but with the added factor of the wifi set up.

    Those are the straight forward options - with DHCP over wire being easiest for the novice - but if your set up isn't one of the above let me know what you are trying.

    | Wed 3 Mar 2021 15:47:47 #26 |
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    I've got the humax connected to my laptop with an ethernet cable. On the Humax I've got configure IP on DHCP. On the Windows laptop I've got Internet Protocol v 4 highlighted and obtain IP and DNS server address automatically selected. So it connects and I can choose maint which apparently puts the Humax in to maintenance mode but then I can't reconnect. I've subsequently tried the command you gave me but it just returned nothing. Incidentally I couldn't download the full web interface it can't find the hard disk. Thanks.

    | Wed 3 Mar 2021 16:02:23 #27 |
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    It would be simplest to connect the humax to the router using the cable and proceed from there. I assume the windows laptop has a wireless connection to the router as well as the point to point wired connection to the humax. If so the windows box will have two addresses, one on each interface it is using. This is where it gets complicated compared to having everything on one network.

    What IP address/mask, gateway and DNS settings does the huamx report in your point to point cable scenario ?

    Putting the humax into maintenance mode is not really helping as it forces a reboot with a minimal set up. I'd assume (but don't know) that the humax would re-use the same point to point network address after a maintenance boot and if you can't reconnect, my inference is that in maintenance mode the humax isn't running webif at all and requires you to telnet in using a telnet client on the laptop rather than accessing via the browser based telnet simulation.

    When you say 'it just returned nothing' do you mean both commands fdisk and df showed nothing at all ? I'm a bit a surprised because df should at least have reported those filesystems which aren't dev disk based.

    However, if there is no disk showing then my next step would be to remove the disk from the humax and connect it to a linux system to explore it further.

    | Wed 3 Mar 2021 16:40:50 #28 |
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    Thanks Dino the router is too far away I'd need a very long modem cable or ethernet cable. In the order you requested:

    The PuTTY Telnet client worked like the browser route and this time after fdisk -l I tried df -h I got the following:

    humax# fdisk -l
    humax# df -h
    Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
    /dev/root 21.6M 21.6M 0 100% /
    tmpfs 61.0M 24.0K 61.0M 0% /tmp
    tmpfs 61.0M 0 61.0M 0% /media
    /dev/mtdblock1 2.0M 504.0K 1.5M 25% /var/lib/humaxtv
    /dev/mtdblock2 2.0M 1.2M 812.0K 60% /var/lib/humaxtv_backup

    Then while trying to copy and paste this appeared:

    humax# fdisk -l

    /bin/sh: humax#: not found
    humax# humax# df -h

    /bin/sh: humax#: not found
    humax# Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on

    /bin/sh: Filesystem: not found
    humax# /dev/root 21.6M 21.6M 0 100% /

    /bin/sh: /dev/root: not found
    humax# tmpfs 61.0M 24.0K 61.0M 0% /tmp

    /bin/sh: tmpfs: not found
    humax# tmpfs 61.0M 0 61.0M 0% /media

    /bin/sh: tmpfs: not found
    humax# /dev/mtdblock1 2.0M 504.0K 1.5M 25% /var/lib/humaxtv

    /bin/sh: /dev/mtdblock1: Permission denied
    humax# /dev/mtdblock2 2.0M 1.2M 812.0K 60% /var/lib/humaxtv_backup

    /bin/sh: /dev/mtdblock2: Permission denied
    humax# humax#

    Seemingly a bit more detail I hope this helps is that looking at some RAM or a little bit of the disk? In maintenance mode I still couldn't connect with PuTTY Telnet so don't know if I got any settings wrong. As for connecting it to Linux eek! That would be way out of my depth would that involve inserting the drive into my laptop and then installing a version of Linux and then I wouldn't know the commands. Thank you.

    | Wed 3 Mar 2021 18:10:51 #29 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    MikeJH - 2 hours ago  » 
    I've got the humax connected to my laptop with an ethernet cable. On the Humax I've got configure IP on DHCP. On the Windows laptop I've got Internet Protocol v 4 highlighted and obtain IP and DNS server address automatically selected. So it connects and I can choose maint which apparently puts the Humax in to maintenance mode but then I can't reconnect.

    OK this getting too complicated to discuss here. I suggest you have two options: start a thread over at where the real experts on the custom firmware are to be found or post the box to me and I will sort it out free of charge if the hard drive can be repaired or for the cost of a new hard drive if the hard drive is beyond repair.

    | Wed 3 Mar 2021 18:32:21 #30 |

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