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Can the Aura App channel order be changed?

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    Posts: 187


    Hi, I havn't used the Aura App that much and did the other day and when i played the recording found that i had set a non-HD programme which isn't the biggest issue in the world i know.

    I just think a good majority of people would probably be opting to record from the main HD channels most of the time giving the option, so would be good to maybe have an option to either just show the HD channels or be able to re-order them yourself so you can move them to the top of the list.



    | Sat 28 Aug 2021 20:01:04 #1 |
  2. The Moog

    The Moog

    Joined: Nov '20
    Posts: 44


    Sadly not at the moment, you can't move or delete channels out of the app like you can on the Aura itself. You have to scroll through a hundred standard definition channels until you get to the HD ones.

    It would be great if the app asked you if you wanted to record in HD if you select an SD channel. Ideally it would let you move and delete channels you don't use, or even better just pick up your favourite channel list from the Aura itself and mirror this so you don't have to move and delete a whole load of channels on the app as well as the box.

    | Sun 29 Aug 2021 8:28:26 #2 |
  3. Mars


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    Posts: 375


    On the Aura box go to settings -> Channel and Broadcast -> Edit Channel List. Then, you can hide any channels. If you wait a while for everything to sync then the channels will also be hidden on the Aura app.

    | Sun 29 Aug 2021 10:15:33 #3 |
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    Mars - 2 days ago  » 
    On the Aura box go to settings -> Channel and Broadcast -> Edit Channel List. Then, you can hide any channels. If you wait a while for everything to sync then the channels will also be hidden on the Aura app.

    Great tip. Thanks.
    Just hidden most of the channels on mine, which is something I hope I don't have to do very often as it's a bit of a fiddle.

    | Tue 31 Aug 2021 20:14:54 #4 |
  5. The Moog

    The Moog

    Joined: Nov '20
    Posts: 44


    Thanks for the heads up Mars!

    I was sure you couldn't do this as I tried to when I first got my Aura, maybe I missed it or it was included in a software update. Still be nice to be able to reorganise the channels on the box and in the app.

    One issue that I have now noticed is that I can scroll way off the bottom of the EPG in the phone app through lots of free space now that I have deleted out all of the channels I don't watch.

    | Wed 1 Sep 2021 17:14:22 #5 |

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