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Cannot update Firmware

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    Yesterday I tried to update the firmware on my HDR1000s to the beta version 1.00.22 . I downloaded the file from .

    When the firmware was updating it hung at 49% and showed "Error 10 (E010) invalid sign" .

    I have tried 3 different USB sticks, all of them freshly formatted to FAT32. The same result each time.

    I have also tried loading the file from but this hangs at 49% progress as well.

    After the update fails it says to press the standby button, the screen then changes to a Software Update page, but with " System recovery in progress " at the bottom of the screen. I have left it turned on with this screen showing for 5 hours now but no change.

    Has anyone heard pof this happening before. I have searched on Google, etc. But cannot find anything.

    Edit - Forgot to say that it since the update failed it will not boot. Sometimes it shows "Error 10 (E010) Invalid Sign" other times it says "Error 17 (E017) Unknown Error"

    | Fri 22 Feb 2013 16:01:59 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Welcome to the Forum

    Invalid sign is a flash issue.

    I'm afraid it sounds like it is bricked, cannot get the definitive re the error codes until next week.

    | Fri 22 Feb 2013 17:56:16 #2 |
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    Hi Barry,

    Thanks for the reply, I had a feeling it might be bricked! It's never a good sign when you do a google search and no-one else had has the same problem.

    I'll see if I can get hold of a small capacity usb stick. The smallest one I have is 2GB. I read somewhere that ones over 1GB may not work.



    | Fri 22 Feb 2013 18:32:57 #3 |
  4. Barry


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    Richard I have tested uploads with 2,4,8,16,32GB without issue.

    | Fri 22 Feb 2013 18:46:49 #4 |
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    I have just tried with an old 256MB stick I found. Still the same problem. Looks like it's dead. I didn't think the size of stick was the problem, useful to hear that you have used large size sticks though.

    I guess the loader programme must have got messed up somehow. I must just be unlucky, I don't see too many other people with the same problem.

    | Fri 22 Feb 2013 20:33:52 #5 |
  6. Barry


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    First time I have seen error codes reported.

    I would contact retailer to exchange item.

    | Sat 23 Feb 2013 9:41:38 #6 |
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    I guessed I would probably have to return it, no problem thanks the the reply. It's handy to check that I havent missed anything obvious. After the first time the update hung I had a feeling it was bricked. I've contacted the retailer to get it returned.

    Still its the first time I've bricked something doing an upgrade for about 6 years, so not too bad!

    | Sat 23 Feb 2013 11:06:28 #7 |
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    Have seen three of these bricks now, all of which worked and then suddenly had the software loader screen and as said, trying to update only gets as far as 49%. This is another serious bug that Humax are aware of.

    | Tue 26 Feb 2013 10:50:20 #8 |
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    Hi Ian,

    Thanks for the information, at least I wasn't the only one. I have sent it back to Maplin, just waiting to see what they say.

    | Wed 27 Feb 2013 15:34:20 #9 |

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