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Can't access recorded media

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    Posts: 2


    I went on holiday and I suspect while I was away
    the disk space filled up. Now when I press media
    on the remote the PVR button lights up but nothing else happens. I also can't access the recording preference from the menu, can't record and can't rewind TV programmes. Can anyone help please?

    | Sun 1 Nov 2015 18:41:23 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    HelenaMc - 22 minutes ago  » 
    I went on holiday and I suspect while I was away
    the disk space filled up. Now when I press media
    on the remote the PVR button lights up but nothing else happens. I also can't access the recording preference from the menu, can't record and can't rewind TV programmes. Can anyone help please?

    I doubt that it is a full disk. Sounds like the file system has developed a problem or the hard drive has failed. If you want to keep your recordings then try this FAQ Link to FAQ on using Custom Firmware to fix file system problems or if you are prepared to lose your recordings then try formatting the hard drive.

    | Sun 1 Nov 2015 19:08:04 #2 |
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    new member
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    Posts: 2


    Thank you. I will certainly give it a try.

    | Sun 1 Nov 2015 20:46:20 #3 |

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