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Can't delete series record timers

(4 posts)
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    Joined: Aug '14
    Posts: 21


    I've had a couple of series recording events in my Humax HDR 1000S that refuse to disappear when I delete them! One was for the Commonwealth Games and the other for the European Atheltics Championships and. yes, I'm on the latest firmware. Once a week, I've tried to delete both of them, only for a new "R" banner to appear at the top of the screen showing that they've been re-inserted as a fresh series recording event (even though the last programmes in both series long since gone of course). Anyone else seen this? Note that other series recording events have happily been deletable, so it's something specific to the two I mentioned.

    | Sun 31 Aug 2014 9:39:08 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
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    Welcome to our Forum

    Strange one, never seen this myself.

    A factory reset should delete the offending timers - along with others so make a note.

    As a matter of interest when the 'R' banner appears at top of screen what timer, if any, is added to your planned recordings list?

    | Sun 31 Aug 2014 11:02:38 #2 |
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    Joined: Aug '14
    Posts: 21


    When the R banner appears, exactly the same event remains (as if it wasn't deleted in the first place) - yes, with the same old event time too. For the Commonwealth Games event, for example, it's set to "Sat 26 Jul 19:00", which was probably the final transmission of the Games.

    It's not too annoying, unless pages of undeleteable series recording events end up clogging my Planned Recordings list. I've done dozens of such series recording events and all but 2 have been deleted - wondering if some data was wrong when the 2 events were originally set up? So it could even be the BBC to blame for this...

    | Sun 31 Aug 2014 11:11:50 #3 |


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    A series is deleted 13 weeks after the last transmission.
    There is no end marker for a series and the series is retained in case it restarts.

    That said you should be able to delete it.
    Look back at the ones that you could not delete have they been updated or can you delete them now?

    | Sun 31 Aug 2014 14:29:52 #4 |

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